He had taken the guys to the airport and was happy to see Faith's car in the driveway when he got back. He followed the music out to the pool and just stood in the doorway and looked at her. He thought back to last night when she whispered the words and this morning when she said them to his face. His heart did a slow roll as he stood there watching her. She was wearing the red bikini and had taken her hair down from the knot she wore in to work that morning, it spilled over her shoulder in long dark waves.
She's got a way about her
I don't know what it is
But I know that I can't live without her
She's got a way of pleasin'
I don't know what it is
But there doesn't have to be a reason
She's got a smile that heals me
I don't know why it is
But I have to laugh when she reveals me
She's got a way of talkin'
I don't know what it is
But it lifts me up when we are walkin'
She comes to me when I'm feelin' down
Inspires me without a sound
She touches me I get turned around
She's got a way of showin'
How I make her feel
And I find the strength to keep on goin'
She's got a light around her
And everywhere she goes
A million dreams of love surround her
She comes to me when I'm feelin' down
Inspires me without a sound
She touches me and I get turned around
She's got a smile that heals me
I don't know why it is
But I have to laugh when she reveals me
She's got a way about her
I don't know what it is
But I know that I can't live without her
He crossed the patio to her and, gently picking up her legs, he sat down at the end of the chair she was laying on. "Faith?" She smiled as he stroked her legs. His hands moved from her legs to her feet and he started to massage them. "God, that feels so good." Richie smiled and continued, "how was your day?" "Busy. I think everyone in LA came in today. Where are the guys?" "I took them to the airport, they are on their way home." Richie slid up the chair, pulling Faith onto his lap. "How are you feeling?" He was still concerned about what had happened that morning and he wanted to make sure she was all right.
Faith put her arm around his shoulder and kissed his cheek, "I'm fine. Just normal end of the work day tired." He watched her as she rubbed her forehead. "You have a headache too don't you?" Faith sighed "not a bad one though." "Did you take anything?" Faith hung her head, "no, not yet. I thought maybe if I just laid out here with my eyes closed for a while it would go away." With two fingers, he lifted her chin so he could see her face. "Let's get you some aspirin and then you need to get dressed." "Why do I need to get dressed?" He kissed the end of her nose, "because," he let his eyes travel down her body and back up to meet her eyes, "as much as I like you in that bikini, you need to have actual clothes on to go to dinner."
Faith followed Richie into the house "do we have to go out?" He turned to look at her, "you don't want me to take you to dinner?" She shook her head, "I would rather stay in." She surprised him. "Staying in is fine, I just thought you might like a break, have someone else do the cooking." She smiled at him, "well, you could do the cooking." He had to laugh, "me?" Faith grinned now, "sure. You said you can grill, right?" "Yeah, I did." "Well, I picked up a couple steaks, how about grilling them up?" He scratched his head, "I guess I can do that, but what about the rest?" "The rest?" Faith wasn't sure what he meant. "Yeah, salad, maybe a potato, you know, the rest?" Faith laughed, "I think I can handle 'the rest' while you deal with the grill. Right now though, I am going to go change." Richie's eyed her hungrily, "since we aren't going anywhere you could just leave that bikini on." She looked down at herself and then at him, "I guess I could, but then I don't know how much eating we would get done." Richie smirked at her, "well I know I would..." she cut him off, "okay, okay, now I am definitely going to change." His laughter followed her up the stairs.
They enjoyed a dinner of slightly overdone steaks and 'the rest' (garlic smashed potatoes and salad) along with a nice wine. As they were cleaning up Richie seemed distracted. Faith shut the water off and turned to him, "what's wrong?" He voiced the question that had been bothering him through dinner, "why didn't you want me to take you out?" Faith took his hand, "its not that I didn't want to go out, it's just..." she hesitated, not sure what he would think if she told him what was on her mind. "It's just what?" Faith looked up at him, her eyes a little sad, "it's just that you are leaving again and I didn't want to have to share you with anyone. I wanted the little bit of time we do have to be just ours."
Richie's heart swelled, "you don't have to worry darlin' I'm all yours." He pulled her into his arms and pressed his lips to hers.
They moved into the living room and settled on the couch to watch a movie. Halfway through Richie laid down behind Faith, hugging her close from behind. His hand nestled low on her stomach, his fingers playing across the soft skin under her cami. He moved Faith's hair to one side and nuzzled the back of her neck. Faith let out a soft sigh as he continued to place little kisses on her neck. His hand moved up inside her top and he brushed his thumbs against the underside of her breast. "Richie" she breathed out his name. "Shh, just enjoy."
Faith closed her eyes and let his touch take her. His hand kneaded her breast, fingertips teased the tip to its full hardness. She whimpered when his fingertips trailed down across the flat of her stomach and toyed with the waist of her pants. He slipped his hand inside and groaned when he discovered she wasn't wearing any underwear. She lifted her hip and he slid her pants down, his feather light touch along her hip and thigh leaving her with goosebumps. Richie snugged her closer to him, she could feel the hard length of him against her back, straining his pants. Faith reached behind her and stroked him through his pants, he groaned in her ear and his tongue traced a path along her neck.
As she continued to stroke him, his hand slid from her hip, tracing the crease of her thigh and into the heart of her. She was more than ready for him. He pulled her hand from him and with a satisfied groan, was buried to the hilt. Holding her close, he rocked them slowly to the edge and the both fell off together.
Another great installment! I wouldn't want to share, either. Nice song choice too. Looking forward to more.
I'm so hooked on this story that it seemed like forever of a wait for this chapter!
Yes, I'm getting greedy! LOL!
What song is that?
I'm loving these characters!
Sorry to keep you waiting so long Jen, life gets in the way sometimes.
That song is "She's Got a Way" by Billy Joel.
I am glad you are enjoying the story. I hope to have more up soon. The birthday is coming!
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