Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Hey There!
I hope you enjoy my story of Richie and Faith. It is finished now and was truly a labor of love for me. I enjoyed writing it and I hope those of you that have read it enjoyed it, and those who just stumbled upon it, enjoy it now.
Thanks to all that followed along and encouraged me with your comments and love.
I have a couple of ideas I am working on for new stories, one of these days I will set here and share them with you.
Now, here is the beginning of Faith and Richie's journey. Chapter 1
Feel free to visit me at my home page at Queenie's Corner
Friday, September 7, 2007

By the end of the summer Faith and Hannah had moved in with Richie and Hannah was enrolled in school with Ava. The girls couldn't have been happier.
Faith's pregnancy was progressing, the dizziness having waned by the end of her first trimester. Her doctor told her it was normal and not to worry about it. Her blood pressure, however, was another story. It was elevated and that was a concern. She was getting it checked every other week and trying to take it easy.
When the band played the new Prudential Center in New Jersey at the end of October and into November, Faith brought the girls out for the last show. Hannah was thrilled. They were staying for a few days beyond Saturday to meet Richie's mom and that meant a few days off from school.
Faith liked Joan immediately. She was a sweet lady and she could see the bond betewen mother and son was a strong one. When they told her that they were getting married and that Faith was expecting she was just overjoyed and smiled a real smile for the first time since Adam had passed.
When they returned to Los Angeles Faith had an appointment for an ultrasound. She and Richie had decided they were going to find out what the baby was. The baby, however, had its own ideas and they had to be satisfied with knowing that, boy or girl, it was healthy so far.
They got through the holidays, Joan had come for Thanksgiving and was staying through new years. Faith and Richie had decided to get married on New Year's Eve at Richie's house. It was as low key a wedding as was possible. Richie flew Faith's sister and brother-in-law out and the band came. His mom was there as was Ms. Betty.
The backyard had been lit with a thousand tiny red and white lights along with the soft solar lights that were scattered around the yard. There were clear panels over the pool, acting as a floor and there were flowers in pots and baskets set about here and there. There were tables set up on the patio for the food that Faith had prepared. It was all finger food and appetizers, but there was plenty of it. Richie had wanted to hire someone but Faith wouldn't have it. He tried to argue with her but she stood her ground and he finally relented, with one condition. She let Jenna help and do the serving. He had even brought someone in to set up and tend the bar.
Faith busied herself in the kitchen all afternoon and finally her sister, Grace, came and almost physically dragged her out and upstairs to get ready. She showered and smoothed on her vanilla spice scented lotion and was taken back to the first night she spent with Richie and how she took her time to dress for him. She ran a hand lovingly over the swell that was their child that she was convinced was conceived that night. "I'm marrying your daddy tonight" she whispered and she felt the first fluttering of movement. With a smile and a tear she slipped on the new silk and lace bikinis that were the same shade of cream as her dress. Her strapless bra pushed her breasts higher and she smiled, Richie would be pleased.
She stepped into her dress with a sigh. The silk felt heavenly against her skin. She had found the dress in the first shop she went into. It wasn't anything special, but it was just what Faith had wanted. The cream colored silk had straps slightly wider than spaghetti straps, the bodice draped and then floated away, concealing the belly she now had. The hemline was slightly higher in the front than the back. She felt hands at her back and she turned to find her sister there. "Grace what are you doing in here?" Grace smiled at her sister, "I just thought you might need some help." Faith laid her hand over her sister's, "thank you." She turned back around and Grace zipped her up. They had been close growing up, but living across the country from each other had put a strain on their relationship. They were no longer as close as they once were but the love was still there.
"Faith," Grace started, "I brought something for you to wear tonight, if you want to." Faith looked at her sister's outstretched hand. It was a hair clip, more specifically it was their mother's rhinestone hair clip. Faith's hair was down in the waves and curls Richie had found so sexy and she silently took the clip from her sister and pushed one side back behind her ear and held it with the clip. She turned back to Grace, "thank you, it's just perfect." Her eyes were wet and Grace crossed to her. They held each other, sharing a precious sisterly moment. They dabbed their eyes and Grace took Faith's hand, "Faith I am so happy for you. Richie is wonderful and you two seem so happy together." Faith squeezed her sister's hand, "we are happy Grace, thank you." Hannah came in then. She looked so pretty in her emerald green dress that was similar in style to Faith's. "Ready mom?" Grace left and Faith turned to check her reflection. She touched up her eyes, the smoky make-up making them appear that much greener. The rubies Richie had given her adorned her neck and ears. She stooped to put her shoes on, and grabbed her wrap. The red was quite a contrast to the cream and was exactly what Faith had envisioned.
Richie and Jon were down in the living room, waiting. Richie, in his dark suit and shirt was pacing, much like he had been that first night Faith had come to his house. Jon watched his friend pace, "nervous bro?" Richie looked over at him and smiled, "nope, anxious." Jon chuckled, he had watched Richie go from his lowest low to a higher high than he had ever anticipated. He was glad that Richie had found happiness and love in this woman. She was perfect for him. Ava poked her head in right then, "Dad, Uncle Jon, ready?" They looked over at Ava, she had on the same dress as Hannah. Richie walked over to her, "baby girl you are pretty as a picture." Ava beamed, "thanks dad." She held out her hand to him, "come on, it's time."
Faith didn't carry any flowers, instead she took Hannah's hand and they walked down the stairs together. Richie, Faith and Hannah had had a few discussions in the weeks leading up to the wedding and he was going to adopt Hannah. It seemed only fitting that Hannah be included in the ceremony tonight.
They stepped out onto the patio to the strains of the piano music that David had recorded for them. Richie looked up and struggled to breathe; he had never seen her look more beautiful. Jon clapped a hand on Richie's shoulder, letting him know just how lucky he was.
When Faith and Hannah were in front of Richie he took each of their hands in his, bringing Faith's to his lips for a kiss. He looked at her, "you look beautiful Faith." She whispered a thank you and they all turned to the minister. The ceremony was short, but meaningful to Richie and Faith and before the minister could pronounce them husband and wife, Faith motioned to Ava. She needed to be included too. Ava stepped between Hannah and her dad and took their hands. Richie looked surprised, he hadn't known Faith was going to do this. He couldn't have been happier. The minister looked at the foursome, "I now pronounce you the Sambora family."
There were hugs and kisses all around and finally Richie was able to take Faith into his arms. Her eyes were shining as she kissed him. As they were enjoying each other the music started for their dance. He led her to the floor over the pool and held her close, singing softly in her ear.
Life is a Road
Forever winding, where it leads us I don't know
In it together for better or worse
Searching for our pot of gold
Leaves a trail of broken hearts
So many arrows just keep missing their mark
Baby that ain't us
Nothing else matters when you're in it for love
Together we can only go higher
You can reach any rainbow you're dreaming of
Nothing else matters at all
When you're in it for love baby
We'll share in the laughter
Share in the tears
And the promises we keep
Life can be crazy
Love can be cruel
But it's always been a two way street
You try
And give it all you have to give
So many people don't know how to forgive
Baby that ain't us.
Nothing else matters
When you're in it for love
Together we can only go higher
You can reach any rainbow
You're dreaming of
Nothing else matters at all
When you're in it for love, baby
They moved around the makeshift dance floor, oblivious to everyone but each other. When the music stopped Richie kissed her lightly and they finally realized they weren't alone. They ate and Richie drank along with their guests and rang in the new year with those that they loved. It was exactly what Faith and Richie had wanted.
Richie and Faith enjoyed a short honeymoon in Carmel, the tour was starting soon and Richie could only be gone for so long.
While he was gone Faith ended up having to stop work. The stress was causing her blood pressure to rise even higher than it had been. When she told Richie what was going on he tried to comfort her and then planted an idea in her head. She had always wanted to start her own business, what better time to at least start researching it than now. She spent her days on the computer and making phone calls, putting some wheels in motion. She kept her pace slow, resting when she felt the need, not taking any unnecessary risks and, in a few short weeks, Food by Faith was born.
Richie came home at the end of January and left again a week and a half later. He doted on Faith when he was home, barely letting her lift a finger to do anything. She was lucky she got to pee by herself when he was around. But Faith found it to be quite sweet at times, especially when he rubbed her back and her feet.
She was lonely when he left again, but she did her best not to show it. Hannah helped by being her silly 10 year old self. Together they got the baby's room ready. Richie and Faith and picked out colors and such, but Hannah was there to help put it all together.
Richie called Faith a few days before he was due to come home again. He wanted her to know that the guys were coming and were going to stay for a few days, right around Jon's birthday. Faith decided that a homecoming dinner would be in order.
Richie and the guys trooped in a couple days later. "Faith" Richie called out, "where are ya darlin'?" She was in the living room struggling to get up off the couch. "In here, I could use a little help." She had gotten much bigger since the guys had seen her last and they stood in the doorway chuckling as she struggled to get up. She glared at them all, "the longer you all stand there and laugh, the less likely I am to feed you all dinner." They sobered at her statement and all at once they offered their assistance. Richie brushed his hand over her stomach as he helped her and felt a kick. "Feisty little one in there." He kissed Faith and took a closer look at her. Her face was flushed and her cheek felt overly warm when he kissed her. "Are you feeling okay?" She pressed a hand to her lower back as she stood, "I'm all right. It's just my blood pressure." She waved it off, "I'm fine. Let's go into the kitchen." They all followed their noses, something smelled wonderful.
The girls were spending the night at a friends house so it was just the adults for dinner. Richie helped Faith get the lasagna out of the oven and he poured wine for everyone except Faith. She got a glass of club soda. They enjoyed the dinner Faith had prepared, and as she got a pot of coffee going they all retreated to the rec room.Alone in the kitchen a searing pain ripped through Faith. She grasped the edge of the counter and rode out the pain. Something wasn't right. She had been through labor before and this didn't feel like any labor pain she had ever suffered. She caught her breath and, after getting the coffee cups out, intended to get into the other room and sit down. Another pain struck and this was how Jon found her. He had wandered back to see if the coffee was ready. "Faith, are you okay?" She looked up at him and her pain ravaged face and fear-filled eyes gave him his answer. "Jon," she panted "something's wrong, where's Richie?" Jon took Faith's hand and slid his arm around her and headed down the hall. "Rich!" he hollered as the got closer to the rec room.
Having heard his name, Richie poked his head out the door and found Faith and Jon coming towards him. "What's wrong?" Faith looked at him, tears in her eyes, "we need to go..." she trailed off as another pain ripped through and she leaned heavily on Jon. Richie took Faith from Jon and swung her up into his arms. He motioned to Jon, "get her bag by the door and let's go." With more calm than he felt he got Faith into the car and they headed to the hospital, the others following close behind.
Richie called the doctor, explained what was going on and she met them at the hospital. She had a pretty good idea, from the sounds of the pains, what was going on. With Faith's condition, preeclampsia, placental abruption was not uncommon. As they did an ultrasound, her suspicion was confirmed. She explained the situation to Richie and Faith and they scheduled Faith for a c-section.
Richie let the guys know what was going on. He was able to be with Faith and she was glad, it made her less nervous knowing he would be right there with her. They prepped Faith and once she was ready they let Richie into the room. She had to chuckle to see him in his scrubs, all green from head to foot. He sat next to her and held her hand, the whole time encouraging her and easing her nerves. He was worried for her but was trying his damnedest not to show it.
Faith looked up when she heard the doctor's voice, "you're going to feel some pressure and a tug." She gripped Richie's hand tighter as they watched their baby come into the world. "It's a boy!" They looked and there he was, all pink and pissed off. His cries were music to Faith's ears. She looked up at Richie, there were tears running down his cheeks, matching hers. He leaned down and kissed her, "thank you." They were marveling at the baby they had made when everything went wrong.
All the machines Faith was hooked up to started beeping uncontrollably. Richie looked at her, her eyes had rolled back and her head lolled off to one side. "Faith!" She didn't respond. The doctors and nurses were rushing around, Faith was hemorrhaging. Richie was hurried out of the room and told the doctor would come let him know what was going on. In a daze he found his way to the waiting room where the guys were and sank down into a chair, burying his face in his hands.
He sensed that his friends were waiting for him to tell them what was going on and when he looked up they were all standing around him. "It's a boy" he told them flatly. They knew their friend well enough to know something else was going on. "Faith?" Jon inquired. Richie shrugged his shoulders as he explained what had happened. "They made me leave. I have no idea what is going on."
The doctor came in a while later, "Mr. Sambora?" He stood and the doctor told him what had happened. "It was touch and go, she was bleeding badly but she's stable now, but not out of the woods yet." There was something else, Richie could tell. "What else?" The doctor laid her hand on his arm, "we had to do a partial hysterectomy, she won't be able to have any more children." He sighed, "does she know?" The doctor shook her head, "not yet. She is still out, the anesthesia hasn't worn off yet. Would you like to see her?" He nodded. As he followed the doctor out he glanced at his friends, they understood and waited.
Richie looked at Faith lying there in the bed, her dark hair in stark contrast to the paleness of her skin. He pulled up the chair next to the bed and sat down, taking her hand in his. He told her how much he loved her and how beautiful their baby boy was. The doctor came in and told Richie his friends were waiting and that he should go home and get some rest. "I'm not leaving." He was going to stay with Faith through the night. The doctor didn't feel it necessary but Richie was insistent. She relented.
He went and talked to Jon, Dave and Tico, telling them what had happened and then taking them to the nursery to see the baby. It was easy to pick him out, he was the only boy. Jon looked at Richie, "does he have a name yet?" Without taking his eyes off his son, he answered Jon. "We decided to name him after my dad and Faith's dad. His name is Eric Adam." He turned and gave Jon the keys to his house, "go on back and get some sleep. I'm staying here." David and Tico gave him a handshake/hug and started to walk off. Jon hung back, "are you all right man?" He gave a weary sigh and looked at Jon, "What if she doesn't come out of this? What if she doesn't make it. What am I going to do?" His emotions were at their limit and, for a man who hardly ever cried, was on the verge of it for the second time that night. Jon gripped his shoulder, "she's going to be fine Rich. You just need to stay strong and have a little faith that everything is going to be all right." Jon glanced down the hall, Dave and Tico were waiting for him. "I'm gonna go, you going to be all right?" Richie nodded, "yea man, thanks."
Richie went back into Faith's room and sat down next to the bed and took her hand again. He brought it to his lips, kissing it gently. He reclined the chair back, keeping her hand in his, laid his head back and closed his eyes.
Three months later Richie came home for a two week break. He found Faith in the rocker in the nursery, the baby nestled at her breast and she was singing softly to him. Richie could see that he had grown some since he was home last; his dark hair slightly thicker.
He glanced at Faith, in his eyes she was as beautiful as ever. She had regained most of her strength and energy by then and was doing more and more each day. It had been a long recovery for her both physically and emotionally. She had been depressed for a long while after they told her about the hysterectomy, but gradually with Richie's and a therapist's help she accepted her fate.
Richie crossed the room to her, "hi darlin', how's our little man doing?" She smiled as she shifted him off her breast and over her shoulder. "He's growing like a weed." Richie kissed the soft downy head and took him from Faith after she got a burp out of him. Faith righted her shirt and together they went downstairs. Hannah and Ava were watching a movie in the living room. Richie stood with Faith, holding their baby and looking at the girls. Jon had been right he thought, with a little faith, everything had turned out all right. He turned his gaze to Faith, she smiled at him, "I know Richie, I love you too."
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Chapter 45

She still hadn't said anything to him. "Faith, what's wrong, don't you like them?" She reached for his hand across the table. "They're beautiful Richie. I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed. The party yesterday, the spa, a new dress, new shoes - Manolos - I don't think all my shoes together are worth as much as these, dinner and now these gorgeous earrings. I feel like a broken record over here, but I don't know what else to say except thank you. Thank you for all of it." He squeezed her hand, "I am glad you like the earrings. As for the rest, I just wanted to make your birthday special for you. Is there anything wrong with that?"
Faith looked at him, his eyes intent on her, "no I guess not, but a girl could get used to being treated like this." He brought her hand to his lips, "I would treat you like this everyday if you would let me." Before they could continue their conversation their food arrived. They enjoyed their meal and shared a creme brulee for dessert.
When they got back to the car Richie turned to Faith, "feel like a walk?" She nodded her head, "sure." He drove for a bit and they ended up at the beach where they had first met and where they had walked after the charity benefit. Richie grabbed a blanket from the trunk and, after removing their shoes, strolled hand in hand down the sand. Richie stopped at a semi-secluded spot not too far from where they had left the car and spread the blanket out. "Have a seat" he told Faith as he settled himself on the blanket. She wondered what he was up to.
After a few quiet minutes Richie took her hand, "Faith" she turned and looked at him, in the moonlight she could see his brown eyes shining, "do you know how happy you have made me?" She reached out with her free hand and stroked his cheek, "probably not as happy as you have made me." He smiled and turned his head to kiss the palm of her hand before taking it in his. He opened his mouth to say something to her and then stopped. Usually so sure of himself, he was finding it difficult to come up with the right words to tell her how he felt.
Through her tears she could make out that it wasn't a diamond, but that didn't matter to her. The only thing that mattered was the man sitting with her, the man that had stolen her heart. She reached out and touched the ring, but didn't take it from him. "Richie, how did you know? He looked at her, confused, "how did I know what?" She sniffled before going on, "when I walked into the living room today and saw you and the girls I realized that I didn't want to wait either. You said I brought laughter and love back into your life, well you did the same for me and Hannah. You brought light into all the dark places in my life. She ran a hand over her stomach, "we made a life together." She paused to take a breath before continuing. "I love you and I want us to be a family Richie. Yes, I will marry you."
He took her left hand and slid the ring on. "I know it's not a diamond and if you want one we can get you one." Faith wiped her face with her hand and looked down at the ring. It was a pear-shaped ruby with channel set diamonds set in yellow gold. She looked up at him, "it's perfect. I love it." He gathered her in his arms then, his mouth seeking hers. His kisses stirred her and Faith's hands wandered up and down his back, slowly working their way around to his front and across his chest slipping inside his shirt to caress the smooth tanned skin.
She looked around and, realizing he was right, opened the buttons on his shirt and pressed opened mouth kisses to his chest. He groaned at the feel of her mouth on him. His hands made quick work of the zipper of her dress and he slid the straps off her arms, letting it fall to her waist. He pressed her back from him and gently laid her back on the blanket, sliding the dress from her. His gaze roamed over her, pausing at the scrap of lace she called underwear and down the length of her legs. Her skin shimmered in the moonlight and he could see her tremble under his gaze. "Are you cold?" he whispered as he let his fingers sweep lightly over her. She locked her gaze on his, "no, I'm not cold." He lowered his mouth, meeting hers in a fiery kiss.
He pulled his mouth from hers, she cried out at the loss. He trailed kisses down her neck, dipping his tongue into the hollow between her neck and shoulder, earning a sigh and a moan from her. Faith reached and struggled to get his shirt off him. Richie sat up and helped her slide it off his arms. Her hands traveled over him, roaming to his belt. She stroked him lightly as she released the belt and opened his pants. She slid them down his legs and off, kissing her way back up. She ran her tongue up and down the hard length of him. "Faith!" She stopped and looked up at him, he pulled her up and laid her back on the blanket.
Richie watched her as his hands roamed over her, teasing the hardened tips of her breasts, sliding his hand lower, finding her wet and ready for him. As he slid two fingers into her, her eyes drifted closed. "Faith, look at me." She forced herself to open her eyes as he continued to torment her with his fingers. "Richie" she was close, "I.. ahh..". His thumb found her clit and she was lost. "Richie!" She bucked against his hand as she came, her eyes never leaving his. As she started to come down he settled himself between her legs and slid into her slowly. She brought her legs up, tilting her hips so he slid in a bit deeper. "Oh God Richie." He started to move, keeping his pace slow, driving them both to the edge. He dipped his head and kissed her, "Faith?" "Now Richie, now!" He moved faster, harder, when he felt her come around him, he gave himself over, gave her everything.