Faith locked up for the night. She was so tired. She unlocked the car and sat down behind the wheel, groaning in relief. She couldn't remember when she had been off her feet last that day. Thank goodness I have tomorrow off she thought. She made her way down the dark streets and turned the corner for home.
"Mom". There was an incessent tapping at her elbow. "Mom." "Hmmm?" came Faith's mumbled reply. "Mom, we are going to the beach today, remember?" Shit. Faith opened her eyes to find her daughter's very excited face only inches from hers. "Okay baby, just give me a minute." These were the times when she wished she weren't the only parent. Faith rolled over and sat up, looking over at her daughter. "The beach, huh?" Hannah shook her head, "yup, you promised." Faith got out of bed, "well, then I guess we should get a move on, right?" Hannah smiled at her mother and ran from the room.
Faith sat down on the bed. She could hear Hannah in the other room rummaging through drawers looking for her bathing suit and then watched a pajama-clad body run across the hall to the bathroom. Faith smiled. She couldn't deny her daughter this today. Couldn't deny her much of anything come to think of it. Ever since Billy had died, it had been her and Hannah and Hannah's happiness was all that mattered to Faith now.
Slipping on her sunglasses and grabbing her bag Faith called out "come on Hannah, let's go!" I was a beautiful day. The sky was so blue it hurt to look at it. Hannah came running out and slammed the door behind her. She winced "sorry mom." "It's all right, come on, let's get going."
They drove out the Pacific Coast Highway toward Malibu and ended up at Zuma Beach. For a Monday it wasn't too busy which made Faith happy. They found a spot and Faith spread out their blanket and slathered sunscreen on both of them. Hannah ran down to test the water and Faith dug out a magazine, trying to relax. She had to work later that night.
"Come on Ava, over here." "Okay dad." Ava had wanted to come to the beach, why Richie didn't know since there was a perfectly nice pool at his house, but here they were. They trudged through the sand and found a spot. He spread out their blanket and got Ava covered with sunscreen. He looked around, not too many people today. He then noticed a woman with dark hair and a very pretty little girl that he thought to be her daughter not too far away. Sunglasses firmly in place he took stock of the woman. She was laying on her stomach, but he did take in the modest black bikini, long well-toned legs, and nice ass. She turned her head then, he liked the small nose and full lips, but she was wearing sunglasses and couldn't tell about the eyes. I may just enjoy the day after all he thought as he turned back to look at the water.
Ava came running up, "dad, can I build a sandcastle with Hannah?" "Who's Hannah?" Ava pointed to the little girl standing next to her, "dad, this is Hannah." Richie turned his gaze from his daughter to the little girl, "hi Hannah. Where's your mom and dad?" Hannah turned and pointed to the woman in the black bikini, "my mom is over there."
Faith had sat up and was frantically scanning the area for her daughter. She turned and breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing her just a few feet away. "Hannah!" Faith walked over and took Hannah's hand. "Mom, I'm fine. Ava and I are going to build a sandcastle." Ava. She knew that name, but it couldn't be. She glanced down at the little girl and then over at the man sitting on the blanket. Holy shit. Her eyes widened behind her sunglasses but she did her best to keep her expression in check. She turned her attention back to the girls. "Okay honey, as long as it is okay with Ava's dad."
Richie's mind went blank when the woman stood up and walked over to the girls. She was more impressive up close. "Dad." He dragged his eyes from the woman to his daughter. "Is it okay?" "Yeah, sure, it's fine. Just don't wander too far." The girls ran off. Faith turned to Richie, "I'm sorry about that. Hannah shouldn't have bothered you. "It's no bother. Actually, I am glad Ava found someone to play with. Gives me a bit of a break." Faith smiled, "I know the feeling." She held out her hand, "I'm Faith. It's nice to meet you." He took her hand, "I'm Ri.." Faith cut him off, "I know who you are." She glanced around, "I won't tell anyone though." He smiled, liking her sense of humor. "Well Faith, it's nice to meet you too."
"Mom". There was an incessent tapping at her elbow. "Mom." "Hmmm?" came Faith's mumbled reply. "Mom, we are going to the beach today, remember?" Shit. Faith opened her eyes to find her daughter's very excited face only inches from hers. "Okay baby, just give me a minute." These were the times when she wished she weren't the only parent. Faith rolled over and sat up, looking over at her daughter. "The beach, huh?" Hannah shook her head, "yup, you promised." Faith got out of bed, "well, then I guess we should get a move on, right?" Hannah smiled at her mother and ran from the room.
Faith sat down on the bed. She could hear Hannah in the other room rummaging through drawers looking for her bathing suit and then watched a pajama-clad body run across the hall to the bathroom. Faith smiled. She couldn't deny her daughter this today. Couldn't deny her much of anything come to think of it. Ever since Billy had died, it had been her and Hannah and Hannah's happiness was all that mattered to Faith now.
Slipping on her sunglasses and grabbing her bag Faith called out "come on Hannah, let's go!" I was a beautiful day. The sky was so blue it hurt to look at it. Hannah came running out and slammed the door behind her. She winced "sorry mom." "It's all right, come on, let's get going."
They drove out the Pacific Coast Highway toward Malibu and ended up at Zuma Beach. For a Monday it wasn't too busy which made Faith happy. They found a spot and Faith spread out their blanket and slathered sunscreen on both of them. Hannah ran down to test the water and Faith dug out a magazine, trying to relax. She had to work later that night.
"Come on Ava, over here." "Okay dad." Ava had wanted to come to the beach, why Richie didn't know since there was a perfectly nice pool at his house, but here they were. They trudged through the sand and found a spot. He spread out their blanket and got Ava covered with sunscreen. He looked around, not too many people today. He then noticed a woman with dark hair and a very pretty little girl that he thought to be her daughter not too far away. Sunglasses firmly in place he took stock of the woman. She was laying on her stomach, but he did take in the modest black bikini, long well-toned legs, and nice ass. She turned her head then, he liked the small nose and full lips, but she was wearing sunglasses and couldn't tell about the eyes. I may just enjoy the day after all he thought as he turned back to look at the water.
Ava came running up, "dad, can I build a sandcastle with Hannah?" "Who's Hannah?" Ava pointed to the little girl standing next to her, "dad, this is Hannah." Richie turned his gaze from his daughter to the little girl, "hi Hannah. Where's your mom and dad?" Hannah turned and pointed to the woman in the black bikini, "my mom is over there."
Faith had sat up and was frantically scanning the area for her daughter. She turned and breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing her just a few feet away. "Hannah!" Faith walked over and took Hannah's hand. "Mom, I'm fine. Ava and I are going to build a sandcastle." Ava. She knew that name, but it couldn't be. She glanced down at the little girl and then over at the man sitting on the blanket. Holy shit. Her eyes widened behind her sunglasses but she did her best to keep her expression in check. She turned her attention back to the girls. "Okay honey, as long as it is okay with Ava's dad."
Richie's mind went blank when the woman stood up and walked over to the girls. She was more impressive up close. "Dad." He dragged his eyes from the woman to his daughter. "Is it okay?" "Yeah, sure, it's fine. Just don't wander too far." The girls ran off. Faith turned to Richie, "I'm sorry about that. Hannah shouldn't have bothered you. "It's no bother. Actually, I am glad Ava found someone to play with. Gives me a bit of a break." Faith smiled, "I know the feeling." She held out her hand, "I'm Faith. It's nice to meet you." He took her hand, "I'm Ri.." Faith cut him off, "I know who you are." She glanced around, "I won't tell anyone though." He smiled, liking her sense of humor. "Well Faith, it's nice to meet you too."
OK, Stephanie, are you in my head or what? LOL
Seriously, I was working on nearly this same outline for another of my stories, although it was the Hamptons, and it was Jon.
I guess we have some things in common, like how GREAT it would be for our kids to make nice with theirs, and "see what happens"...
I'm looking forward to the rest of this story!
-- Jennifer
Hi Jennifer, thanks for your continued readership. No, I don't think I am in your head. LOL
I have had this idea banging around in mine for a while and I finally decided to let it out.
Glad you like it so far.
Hello Stephanie! I didn't realize you had fiction out also! I only clicked on the picture of your proifle from the comment you left on my site this morning.
I just finished reading chapter one and I have to tell you, you have the gift of writing girl!
I enjoyed it and will definitely continue to read this as time permits as well as your other story.
Nice work lady and thanks for sharing!!!
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