An awkward minute passed with Faith just standing there, Richie still holding her hand. "Well," she started, "I think I will just go and leave you alone now." She started to pull her hand away and Richie stopped her. "Why don't you bring your stuff over here?" Faith didn't know what to do. "I don't want to bother you." "If you were bothering me I wouldn't have asked you to join me." He still hadn't let go of her hand. "Well, just let me go get my stuff. Thanks." She turned and the sun glinted off the ring on her left hand. It figures he thought.
As Faith gathered up their things she happened to glance down at her hands. She still wore her wedding ring, even though her husband had been gone for more than a year. She just couldn't bring herself to take it off yet. What am I doing? She hadn't so much as been on a date since her husband and now she was going to spend the afternoon with not just any guy, but with Richie Sambora! How does that happen? Faith decided to just go with it.
Faith brought her things over by Richie and got herself settled. Richie moved over so he was closer to her. They sat there, side by side, watching the girls and saying little. His curiosity finally got the better of him and he picked up her left hand. "So, Faith, how long have you been married?" She looked at him, down at their joined hands and then back up at him again. "I'm not married." The look on his face told her that he didn't believe her. "Then what's this for?" he asked touching her ring. Sighing, she took off her sunglasses and looked at him. He could see the pain in her stormy green eyes. "Richie, I'm not married, not anymore."
As much as this statement made him feel better, Richie wanted to know more. "How long have you..." before he could finish the question the girls came running back. "Mom" "Dad" they yelled at the same time. "We're hungry!" Faith and Richie turned their attention to the girls and the question went unasked.
Faith had brought some snacks and got the girls situated with something to drink. She reminded Hannah that they would have to leave soon. "Aw Mom, do we have to?" Hannah was having a good time with her new friend and didn't want to leave yet. "Yes honey, we have to. I have to work tonight and we were going to stop at that cafe to eat." "Oh yeah, I forgot about that." Faith gave one of Hannah's braids a tug. "Go play for now. We still have about an hour." "Thanks mom." She ran off to join Ava again.
Richie and Faith were alone again. "Looks like we are going to have a hard time separating the girls." Richie looked to where Faith was watching the girls. They were huddled together as if sharing a secret then they burst into girlish giggling. Typical nine year-olds. "I think you may be right about that" he said as he turned to look at Faith. She had started to gather their things. "Do you really have to go already?" He wasn't ready for their afternoon to end.
Faith looked up at Richie, "we really do. I have to work tonight and I told Hannah we would stop at Paradise Cove to eat on the way home." "Would you mind if Ava and I joined you for your early dinner?" The words fell out of his mouth before he could stop them. Faith didn't know what to make of him. "Um, well, I ..." she was interrupted by Hannah, "mom, can Ava and her dad come eat with us?"
As Faith gathered up their things she happened to glance down at her hands. She still wore her wedding ring, even though her husband had been gone for more than a year. She just couldn't bring herself to take it off yet. What am I doing? She hadn't so much as been on a date since her husband and now she was going to spend the afternoon with not just any guy, but with Richie Sambora! How does that happen? Faith decided to just go with it.
Faith brought her things over by Richie and got herself settled. Richie moved over so he was closer to her. They sat there, side by side, watching the girls and saying little. His curiosity finally got the better of him and he picked up her left hand. "So, Faith, how long have you been married?" She looked at him, down at their joined hands and then back up at him again. "I'm not married." The look on his face told her that he didn't believe her. "Then what's this for?" he asked touching her ring. Sighing, she took off her sunglasses and looked at him. He could see the pain in her stormy green eyes. "Richie, I'm not married, not anymore."
As much as this statement made him feel better, Richie wanted to know more. "How long have you..." before he could finish the question the girls came running back. "Mom" "Dad" they yelled at the same time. "We're hungry!" Faith and Richie turned their attention to the girls and the question went unasked.
Faith had brought some snacks and got the girls situated with something to drink. She reminded Hannah that they would have to leave soon. "Aw Mom, do we have to?" Hannah was having a good time with her new friend and didn't want to leave yet. "Yes honey, we have to. I have to work tonight and we were going to stop at that cafe to eat." "Oh yeah, I forgot about that." Faith gave one of Hannah's braids a tug. "Go play for now. We still have about an hour." "Thanks mom." She ran off to join Ava again.
Richie and Faith were alone again. "Looks like we are going to have a hard time separating the girls." Richie looked to where Faith was watching the girls. They were huddled together as if sharing a secret then they burst into girlish giggling. Typical nine year-olds. "I think you may be right about that" he said as he turned to look at Faith. She had started to gather their things. "Do you really have to go already?" He wasn't ready for their afternoon to end.
Faith looked up at Richie, "we really do. I have to work tonight and I told Hannah we would stop at Paradise Cove to eat on the way home." "Would you mind if Ava and I joined you for your early dinner?" The words fell out of his mouth before he could stop them. Faith didn't know what to make of him. "Um, well, I ..." she was interrupted by Hannah, "mom, can Ava and her dad come eat with us?"
Awww! He's being so cute! I love the story. Love it, love it, love it.
SO looking forward to more!
-- Jennifer
I love it....Any story with Richie as the main character is a must in my book. I love how cute he is being. Can't wait for next chapter
I love that story
I can´t wait for the next chapter
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