Faith woke with the daylight teasing her eyes and a smile on her face. They had spent the night on the couch and Richie was still dead to the world. She carefully extricated herself so as not to wake him, slipped her underwear and his shirt on and headed off to the bathroom. When she was done, she washed her hands and finger-combed her hair as best she could. She had to work that morning and coffee was next on her list.
In the kitchen she found the coffee and the pot and as quietly as she could she got the java started. As she reached to get cups out a wave a dizziness came over her. Jon wandered in and found her gripping the counter so hard her knuckles were white and she was taking slow deep breaths. "Faith are you okay?" He wasn't totally awake but could tell something wasn't quite right. She opened her eyes, the spots had stopped dancing in front of her. She got the cups out and turned to Jon. "I'm okay. Coffee?" She didn't want to make a big deal out of it.
They sat at the table with their coffee and Faith, after checking to make sure Richie was still asleep, decided to broach the subject of Richie's birthday. "Jon?" He eyed her over his coffee cup as he took a sip. "What?" "I've been thinking about Richie's birthday." "Oh?" She nodded her head. "I would like to come see him but I think I am going to need some help." "What kind of help?" He was curious to know what she had in mind. Faith bristled at the tone of his question. "I'm not looking for a hand out if that is what you are thinking. I can pay my own way. I just need to know what hotel you are staying at so I can get a room."
Jon looked at her, this woman that had made his friend happier than he had seen him in a long time. How could he not help her out? "We are staying at the Hyatt. Do you have tickets?" She shook her head, "not yet, but I am going to try to take care of that today." "Don't. I'll..." before he could finish Richie started to stir. Jon looked at Faith, "do you have your cell handy?" She looked around, her purse was on the counter still. She grabbed it, fished out her phone and handed it to him. He called his own phone so he had her number. "I'll call you." She gave him a grateful smile. "Thank you, I appreciate your help."
Jon smiled back at her, "it's the old man's birthday, what better gift than to have you there?" She had a thought then, "you weren't planning anything for him were you? I don't want to mess up anything." He drained his cup, "nah, we are getting into Calgary on the 10th so probably just dinner that night and then maybe drinks the next night after the show. When were you thinking about coming out?" Faith thought for a minute, "well I have to make arrangements for Hannah, but probably the day of the show, the 11th." Jon nodded, "well if you come on the 10th you could have dinner with us and really surprise him." As he sat there an idea was forming. He would have to think on it and call her if he thought it would work.
Faith glanced at the clock. She needed to shower and get to work. She stood to take her cup to the sink and the dizziness struck again. Jon watched her go white and grip the edge of the table. He got up to go to her and she fell to the floor. Shit! Jon hurried to her, "Faith?" "Faith?" He tapped her cheeks lightly, trying to get her back.
Richie had woken up by that time and heard Jon calling Faith's name. He stumbled into the kitchen to find Jon leaning over Faith. Crouching down next to Jon, with worry in his voice he looked at his friend, "What the hell happened?" Jon looked up seeing the concern on Richie's face, "We were talking, she stood up and then she fainted." Richie scooped her up and carried her to the couch. As he laid her down she started to come back. "Faith." She opened her eyes and tried to focus on the two men who were looking down on her.
"What am I doing on the couch? What time is it?" Richie and Jon looked at each other and then back at Faith. Jon spoke first, "you fainted and Rich carried you over here to the couch." Faith closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. "I fainted? That's something new for me." Jon went to get her a glass of water. She looked at Richie, "what?" Seeing her laying the floor like that had unnerved him. "First yesterday in your backyard and now this. What's going on with you?" Jon had come back and heard what Richie had said. "Uh, when I came in looking for coffee she wasn't looking so good either." Richie turned his attention back to Faith. "Is there something going on with you that you're not telling me?"
Faith looked at Richie, he was truly worried about her. "I don't know, this hasn't ever happened before." She sat up, "what time is it?" Richie glanced up the clock on the wall, "after 9." "Shit. I'm going to be late." Faith stood slowly, not wanting to faint again, but she seemed to be okay. "I have to get to work." Richie and Jon stared after her as she headed upstairs to take a shower.
Richie turned to Jon after Faith was out of earshot. "What happened this morning?" Jon shrugged his shoulders, "she was getting the coffee cups out and when I walked in she had a white-knuckle grip on the counter and was pale as glass." They walked back into the kitchen togther and Jon filled Richie in on the rest. They were sipping coffee when Faith came back 15 minutes later. She had her work "uniform" on, black pants and a white shirt and she had knotted her damp hair up on top of her head. Richie's eyes followed her every move. She poured coffee in her travel mug, grabbed her purse and turned to look at Richie. He grabbed her hand, "are you sure you should be going to work?" She set her things down on the table and ran her hand through his messy hair, "I'm fine, really. Besides, if I don't work, I don't get paid. I don't get paid, Hannah and I don't eat." She said goodbye to Jon, grabbed her things and an apple from the fruit bowl, "walk me out?" she said as she looked at Richie. He followed her out to her car.
Faith set her things on the seat of the car and turned to Richie. "Have a good day." He pulled her to him, "you just be careful today. Take it easy." She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, "I'm fine. I haven't been eating so well lately so I am sure that is what the problem is." Richie seemed to accept this explanation. "If you're sure that's what it is, eat something." She made a show of taking a bite of her apple. "Happy?" She chewed and swallowed, "I really have to go." He kissed her "I love you darlin'. See you tonight." Faith couldn't stop the smile, "I love you too." She kissed him once more, got into her car and was off.
As soon as Faith was out away from the house she grabbed her phone and called her doctor. Richie may have bought the bit about her not eating, but Faith knew something was up with her. She had never had a dizzy spell in her life, let alone fainted. She managed to get an appointment at the end of the week, after Richie was gone again. She was relieved that she wouldn't have to explain the appointment until after she knew what was going on. Maybe she was coming down with something, maybe she was just working too hard and was run down. When was the last time she took her vitamins? She couldn't remember. So, she would go, get a lecture from the doctor about her routine, promise to take whatever vitamin or supplement she suggested and be done with it.
Richie went back in the house and joined Jon in the kitchen. Jon looked up as Richie walked back in, "is she all right?" Richie nodded his head "she seemed to be. I think she is working too hard." He looked at Jon, "she works harder than you I think." Jon chuckled, "what exactly does she do?" Richie told Jon about her working at the cafe, he already knew about her cleaning the studio, and he was surprised to hear about the catering. Richie stroked his chin with his hand, "I think she did three parties in the last two weeks too." Jon was impressed; she had three jobs and she was raising her daughter, all by herself. "Rich?" "Yeah?" "I think you got yourself a good one." Richie smiled at his friend, "I don't think it, I know I do."
Hey Stephanie,
I'm glad Richie realizes what a good thing he has in Faith.
Also hope everything is OK with Faith - do I hear the patter of little feet?
Can't wait to see what they put together for Richie's birthday!
Keep uo the good work, and I'm looking forward to the next installment!
I'm with Hathor on the "pitter patter" assessment.
At least I hope that's what it is and not something serious with our little Faith!
You just can't do that to Richie!
I hope Faith is OK, looking forward to Richie´s birthday!
Great job again Stephanie!
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