Faith found her dress in a heap on the living room floor and Richie's shirt and pants out on the patio. She put his shirt on as her dress was wrinkled beyond repair. She busied herself in the kitchen, cleaning up the mess from the night before and making coffee. When she finished she sat down at the table with her coffee. She felt herself flush as she glanced at the chair opposite hers and what had happened only hours before. She couldn't get over how wanton she had acted last night. She and Billy had had a healthy sex life, but it was no where near what she had shared with Richie. Just the thought of his name made her heart beat a little quicker. Where can this possibly go though? She wasn't sure she would fit in his world or even if he really wanted her to. Sure, they had spent a couple of nice days together and then last night, but they really didn't know each other. She sighed and put her coffee cup down. "One day at a time" she told herself as she got up and put her cup in the dishwasher. She made Richie some breakfast and left in the warming oven, traded his shirt for her dress and headed home.
Richie picked his head up and, judging from his position on the bed, knew he was alone. He looked around the room and knew she was gone. Dammit. He sat up and rubbed his hands over his face and through his hair. What was he going to do about her? He got up, pulled on some shorts and went downstairs. Maybe she hadn't left yet. In the living room he found his shirt and pants laying across the arm of the couch and a pair of lacy black panties half under the couch. Guess I'll have to return those. He smiled to himself and walked into the kitchen, following the scent of coffee. There was a cup set out for him with a note propped up by it.
I had to go pick up Hannah. Thanks for 'dinner' it was wonderful. I left breakfast warming for you. Have a good day.
Richie moved to the oven and found a plate of French toast waiting for him. He took it to the table with his coffee and sat down in the same chair that Faith had occupied earlier. He chuckled to himself as he glanced at the opposite chair. He shook his head, she was going to dominate his thoughts all day. Richie thought about her as he ate. He liked her, she was bright, funny, fearless it seemed, independent, beautiful, sexy. Hell, what's not to like he thought. He took his dish to the sink, refilled his coffee and went to take a shower. He was going to have to pay Faith a visit this afternoon.
Faith showered when she got home, not wanting to smell like Richie and sex when she picked up Hannah. Ms. Betty couldn't help but notice the smile on Faith's face and the glow about her. "Did you have a nice time dear?" "I had a wonderful time." Ms. Betty smiled, "I can tell." Faith's cheeks reddened, "is it that obvious?" "Only because of your smile. I haven't seen you smile like that in forever." "I like him Ms. Betty, I like him a lot." She looked conspiratorily at Ms. Betty, "you know what, I think he likes me too." Ms. Betty huffed, "well of course he likes you. You are a beautiful smart young woman. What's not to like?" Faith gave her a hug, "thank you. I love you you know." "Go on with you now." She watched as Faith and Hannah crossed the street and sent up a silent prayer, let this be the one.
When the doorbell rang later that afternoon Hannah ran to answer it. "Who is it?" she called out with out opening the door. Richie was impressed. Ava didn't do that no matter how many times they told her to ask first. "Its Richie" he answered. Hannah peeked through the sheer curtained window alongside the door. Richie waggled his fingers at her and she opened the door. "Hi! Did you bring Ava with you?" He smiled down at the pretty little girl, "not today honey, she is with her mom." Her face fell with disappoinment, "oh." Richie crouched down in front of her, "hey" she looked at him, "I'll bring her next time, okay?" Hannah gave him a big smile, "okay. Do you want to come in?" "Is your mom here?" "She's out back. I'll show you." She led him through the small but well-kept house out to the backyard where Faith was mowing the lawn. Does she ever stop he wondered as he watched.
Faith had her headphones on and was singing as she made the passes with the mower. Whoa oh, we're halfway there. Richie smiled as she got closer and he saw her mouth moving and realized she was singing. Faith looked up and saw him sitting in a chair on her patio. She let the handle of the mower go and it stopped and the final note of the song fell out of her mouth. "Just how long have you been sitting there?" Richie laughed, "since about we're halfway there" he sang out in perfect pitch. "Oh God, you caught me again. This is really embarrassing." They stood looking at each other. He wanted to kiss her, but he couldn't be sure that Hannah wasn't watching from somewhere. Faith broke the silence. "So, what brings you to my backyard?" She sat down at the umbrella table and finished her lemonade. He joined her. "You left something at my house and I thought I should return it." Faith had no idea what she could have left there. He pulled her underwear from his pocket. She figured she turned seven shades of red when she realized what it was that he handed her. She quickly stuffed them in her shorts pocket. "Sorry about that." Richie grinned, "no problem, it gave me a reason to see you again today. Besides, I think we need to talk." Faith looked up at him then, "talk about what?"
Richie picked his head up and, judging from his position on the bed, knew he was alone. He looked around the room and knew she was gone. Dammit. He sat up and rubbed his hands over his face and through his hair. What was he going to do about her? He got up, pulled on some shorts and went downstairs. Maybe she hadn't left yet. In the living room he found his shirt and pants laying across the arm of the couch and a pair of lacy black panties half under the couch. Guess I'll have to return those. He smiled to himself and walked into the kitchen, following the scent of coffee. There was a cup set out for him with a note propped up by it.
I had to go pick up Hannah. Thanks for 'dinner' it was wonderful. I left breakfast warming for you. Have a good day.
Richie moved to the oven and found a plate of French toast waiting for him. He took it to the table with his coffee and sat down in the same chair that Faith had occupied earlier. He chuckled to himself as he glanced at the opposite chair. He shook his head, she was going to dominate his thoughts all day. Richie thought about her as he ate. He liked her, she was bright, funny, fearless it seemed, independent, beautiful, sexy. Hell, what's not to like he thought. He took his dish to the sink, refilled his coffee and went to take a shower. He was going to have to pay Faith a visit this afternoon.
Faith showered when she got home, not wanting to smell like Richie and sex when she picked up Hannah. Ms. Betty couldn't help but notice the smile on Faith's face and the glow about her. "Did you have a nice time dear?" "I had a wonderful time." Ms. Betty smiled, "I can tell." Faith's cheeks reddened, "is it that obvious?" "Only because of your smile. I haven't seen you smile like that in forever." "I like him Ms. Betty, I like him a lot." She looked conspiratorily at Ms. Betty, "you know what, I think he likes me too." Ms. Betty huffed, "well of course he likes you. You are a beautiful smart young woman. What's not to like?" Faith gave her a hug, "thank you. I love you you know." "Go on with you now." She watched as Faith and Hannah crossed the street and sent up a silent prayer, let this be the one.
When the doorbell rang later that afternoon Hannah ran to answer it. "Who is it?" she called out with out opening the door. Richie was impressed. Ava didn't do that no matter how many times they told her to ask first. "Its Richie" he answered. Hannah peeked through the sheer curtained window alongside the door. Richie waggled his fingers at her and she opened the door. "Hi! Did you bring Ava with you?" He smiled down at the pretty little girl, "not today honey, she is with her mom." Her face fell with disappoinment, "oh." Richie crouched down in front of her, "hey" she looked at him, "I'll bring her next time, okay?" Hannah gave him a big smile, "okay. Do you want to come in?" "Is your mom here?" "She's out back. I'll show you." She led him through the small but well-kept house out to the backyard where Faith was mowing the lawn. Does she ever stop he wondered as he watched.
Faith had her headphones on and was singing as she made the passes with the mower. Whoa oh, we're halfway there. Richie smiled as she got closer and he saw her mouth moving and realized she was singing. Faith looked up and saw him sitting in a chair on her patio. She let the handle of the mower go and it stopped and the final note of the song fell out of her mouth. "Just how long have you been sitting there?" Richie laughed, "since about we're halfway there" he sang out in perfect pitch. "Oh God, you caught me again. This is really embarrassing." They stood looking at each other. He wanted to kiss her, but he couldn't be sure that Hannah wasn't watching from somewhere. Faith broke the silence. "So, what brings you to my backyard?" She sat down at the umbrella table and finished her lemonade. He joined her. "You left something at my house and I thought I should return it." Faith had no idea what she could have left there. He pulled her underwear from his pocket. She figured she turned seven shades of red when she realized what it was that he handed her. She quickly stuffed them in her shorts pocket. "Sorry about that." Richie grinned, "no problem, it gave me a reason to see you again today. Besides, I think we need to talk." Faith looked up at him then, "talk about what?"
Great chapter -- I love how she made him breakfast before leaving. Very sweet. Love her "one day at a time" attitude. If I had only one day w/Richie, I'd "sure as sh!t" (as my Dad would say) take full advantage, tomorrow be damned!
Looking forward to more!
-- Jennifer
Another great chapter Stephanie!
Looking forward to 18.
This story is awesome too. You girls sure are keeping me entertained. Thanks for sharing.
Loved it!
That scene with her mowing the lawn was funny. lol!
"since about we're halfway there" he sang out in perfect pitch."
Very nice job Stephanie!
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