Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Chapter 27

Monday, June 25, 2007
Chapter 26

Faith slid from Richie's lap, kissing her way down to the button on his pants. He closed his eyes as she stroked him. He felt her tug on the button and then the rasp of the zipper. He felt her warm breath on him only seconds before her mouth was on him, taking all of him in one long slow glide. God she's good at this. He was lost in the ecstasy that was Faith's mouth and when she stopped his eyes flew open, "what... why...?" She stood in front of him and stripped off her shorts. She would have sworn he grew harder at the sight of her nakedness if that was possible.
His eyes feasted on her. "Faith, you are beautiful." She straddled him and with one slow downward movement, he was fully nestled inside her. "Richie" she sighed. Their eyes met and Faith started to move on him, keeping her pace slow. His hands moved on her, finding her breasts. Faith arched back as he rolled the tip of one between his fingers before dipping his head to suckle the other. He raised his head and caught Faith's mouth in a hungry kiss and she moved faster on him. She could feel her orgasm building, she looked at Richie and took his hand, "touch me." He lowered his hand and at the first touch of his fingers, the rush overtook her, causing Richie to empty into her.
Faith rested her head on Richie's shoulder, trying to catch her breath. He stroked her back lightly, his own heartbeat slowly returning to normal. She picked her head up and found his eyes with hers, "two weeks, huh?" He nodded and kissed her, "yeah." She took his face in her hands and kissed him before separating herself from him.
Both were quiet as Richie helped Faith clean up the dishes and she poured them each a fresh cup of coffee. They sat in the living room and with a satisfied sigh Richie pulled Faith close, kissing her head. He had missed the quiet intimacy of moments like this, just sharing a cup of coffee on the couch with someone. He wanted more of them, with this woman. Faith looked up at him, "are you okay?" He glanced down at her, "for the first time in a long time, I am not looking forward to going away." Faith rested her head against his chest, "why is that?" "Because this time I am not just leaving my daughter behind. I'm leaving you too." Faith lifted her head up and looked at Richie, she could see the sadness in his eyes. "I'll miss you too, but it's just two weeks and I will be here when you get back." He hugged her close, "you know I will only have a couple of days and then I am gone again." She nodded, "I know. It will be fine. Don't worry about it."
They lingered on the couch a while longer, enjoying the quiet time together. Richie was lightly running his fingers up and down Faith's arm when he glanced up at the clock. He needed to leave, but he didn't want to. He was content right where he was and was in no hurry to get back to the hectic life on the road that was looming in front of him. With a resigned sigh he told Faith "I really have to go." Faith sat up, "well, if you really have to." He stood and offered her his hand, "I do. I have a few things left to take care of and then I am picking up Ava for dinner." Faith walked him to the door and he took her in his arms. Richie scanned her face, as if taking a mental picture, one he would have with him to get him through the long nights he had ahead of him.
Richie lightly ran his fingers over Faith's cheek before kissing her. Leaving had never been so hard. "Good bye Faith." She took his hands and looked up into his face, "see you soon. Be safe." He nodded, kissed her again and got in his car. As Faith watched as he drove away, a tear slid down her cheek.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Chapter 25

After a delicious breakfast of cinnamon chocolate chip pancakes and sausage, Richie and Faith found themselves alone in the kitchen, Hannah having taken off to her room. As they sipped their coffee Richie eyed Faith over the top of his cup. "I heard what you and Hannah were talking about earlier." Faith smiled at him, "oh, eavesdropping were you?" He smiled back, "not intentionally." A look of concern crossed Faith's face, "I didn't offend you did I?" He reassured her, "not at all, just the opposite actually, I was flattered." Faith raised a questioning brow, "flattered?" Richie scooted his chair closer to hers and took her hand. "When we first met, you knew who I was but didn't make a big deal of it. You have never mentioned anything about what I do or who I am. You treat me like you would anyone else, and you told Hannah that I was a nice guy who made you laugh. How could I not be flattered? A lot of people find it hard to get past the image, but it didn't even phase you. Thank you."
The sincerity that showed on his face and in his words touched Faith. "It's true that I knew who you were when we met and believe me, it took everything I had not to let an 'Oh my God you're Richie Sambora!' slip out, especially when you invited me to share your space. It never occured to me to ask about what you do. I know you play the guitar in the greatest rock band ever. What more do I need to know? If you want to share that with me, that's up to you. It's your job and that's enough for me." She let her eyes meet his, "I like the guy I met at the beach, the one who played in the sand with his daughter, the one who made me smile and laugh for the first time in a good long while." Richie reached for Faith just as Hannah called out, "mom". Faith spun around in her chair, "what?" "Is it okay if I go to Lucy's?" Faith sighed in relief, "go ahead, just be careful crossing the street."
As they heard the door slam Richie reached for Faith and pulled her onto his lap and hugged her close. As he held her, Faith raised her head, "I do have one question though." He kissed her, "oh really? What would you like to know?" "What is it you do exactly when you aren't touring or writing? I mean you you seem to always be around, not that I am complaining, but do you do anything with all your free time?" She felt the rumble of laughter before she heard it. He threw his head back as the laughter came. "Actually, I do charity events and spend quite a bit of time with Ava, but my schedule will be picking up in the next couple of days. We have some dates we are playing over the next few weeks for the album that is coming out." Faith sat up and straddled his lap. "I see. Are you playing anywhere around here?" "Unfortunately, we're not. We have a couple of TV appearances in New York and then we are going to Europe before coming back to play at Summerfest and then the Live Earth gig at Giants." He told her the rest of the schedule and she tried not to be disappointed that he was leaving, this was his job after all. "When do you leave?" He closed his eyes and swallowed, "tomorrow."
He kept his eyes closed and waited, fully expecting some kind of backlash. When he felt her hands on his face he opened his eyes to find her misty green ones looking at him. "Well, if you are leaving tomorrow for two weeks, you need a proper send off, don't you think?"He turned his head, kissing first one of Faith's palms and then the other. "What did you have in mind?" Faith slid her hands from his face and into his shirt, playing across his chest, then moved lower to unbutton the few buttons he had done up. Pushing his shirt open she placed open-mouth kisses across his chest, running her tongue over and around his flat male nipples. She could feel his erection growing under her and rolled her hips over him, eliciting a low groan from him. Faith kissed up his chest to his neck. She hovered over his lips, pressing only a light kiss before running kisses across his jaw. Richie felt her warm breath at his ear, a slight tug on his earlobe, then her whispered voice. "How am I doing so far?"
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Chapter 24

Monday, June 18, 2007
Chapter 23

Saturday, June 16, 2007
Chapter 22

Richie hadn't felt like this in so long, he almost forgot what it was to love with his whole heart. The divorce had hurt him almost to the point that he didn't think he could love like that again. But he realized tonight that he had been mistaken. He eased back from the kiss, "Faith." She looked up at him. "Do you know what you do to me?" He caressed her cheek and tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "Tell me" she quietly answered. She wanted to know if he was feeling the same as she was. He trailed his hand down her arm and laced their fingers together. Richie looked into her eyes as he spoke. "Since I met you I haven't been able to think of anything else. You are on my mind all the time. I keep wondering how I can feel so much having only known you for such a short time."
Faith nodded her head. She understood all too well what he was saying. "I feel it too Richie, and I think sometimes, the heart just knows, somehow it just knows." He smiled at her before bringing her hands to his lips. He kissed both of them before speaking again. "Faith, I don't deserve you." She smiled at him, "probably not, but you've got me." He decided right then to hold on with both hands and not let go. He kissed her again, their need for each other growing. Richie's hands played over her back and down to her hips, pulling her flush against him. "Richie" she breathed as his lips left hers and trailed down her neck. "Hmm?" She pulled his head up to look him in the eye, "come home with me."
Monday, June 11, 2007
Chapter 21

Richie and Jon were scheduled to go on soon. Faith went into the performance hall and found as close a spot as she could. She was excited, not only was she getting to see them perform, it was going to be totally acoustic. They walked out, guitars in hand and sat down on the stools that were waiting for them. Richie went into the opening of Wanted and Faith was mesmerized. She watched them play, having forgotten the magic that happened when they played together. She couldn't stop watching Richie. He played effortlessly and she had the fleeting wish that it was her body his fingers were moving over.
They went into the Simon and Garfunkel classic, "Bridge Over Troubled Water," for their second song, Jon taking the first verse and Richie the second. Faith found herself singing along. Richie caught her eye and winked at her.
Before starting their third and final song, Jon reminded everyone to keep bidding on the silent auction items. Richie started the intro for "I'll be There for You" and Jon let Richie take the lead. His voice was rich and full and, as he sang, his eyes locked on Faith's and it was as if he was singing to her
I guess this time you're really leaving
Richie never took his eyes off of Faith as he continued
And baby you know my hands are dirty
I'll be the water when you get thirsty, baby
Steal the sun from the sky for you
When the song ended Richie reluctantly dragged his eyes from Faith. He and Jon thanked everyone and left the stage. He came out and found Faith. He wanted to touch her, kiss her, but not here, not in front of all these people. He took her hand, "ready to get out of here?" Faith looked up at him, surprised, "already?" They had almost made it to the door when Faith stopped him, "Richie, where's Jon?" Shit. He had been so intent on getting to her and getting out of there he had forgotten that Jon had come with them. He turned and scanned the room, spotting Jon near the bar. He turned to Faith, "wait here." He moved through the room, not stopping to talk to but maybe one person. He cornered Jon, "Faith and I are leaving, are you coming with us?" Jon looked at Richie, recognizing the look on his face. "No man, go ahead I'll call a cab or something." Richie clapped a hand on Jon's shoulder, "thanks man."
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Chapter 20
Richie drove home, wishing he could have stayed. He was trying to be careful this time. Ava had seen women leave on a morning after never to return and he didn't want that to happen for Hannah. Faith didn't need to have to deal with that. Not that he wasn't going to return, but it was still a little too soon for "sleepovers" when the girls were around.
Faith kept busy the next couple of days, the cafe, Hannah, planning the menu for a catering job she had coming up. She thought it would be enough, but Richie kept invading her thoughts. Any free minute she had, he was right there, his smile, his eyes, his hands. Dammit. Faith crumpled the paper she had been writing on into a ball and tossed it toward the other seven that were near the trash can. They all had his name doodled all over them. You'd think I was 14 or something. She took out another sheet of paper and tried to concentrate.
Richie wasn't faring out much better. He and Jon were at the studio rehearsing for Saturday. They were going to play at the charity benefit and were trying to decide which songs to do. They had decided on Wanted, but that was it. They had agreed to do three but they couldn't agree on any others. "What about Prayer?" Jon looked over at Richie, waiting for a reply. Richie was staring out the door of the studio, wondering if Faith might be working that night and if she would happen to pass by. "Rich?" Jon walked over and nudged him. He nearly dropped his guitar. "What!?" Jon struggled to contain himself. "I asked you what about Prayer? What is the matter with you tonight?" Richie shrugged, "nothin."
Jon looked at his friend, "Is she supposed to be working tonight?" Richie looked at Jon, "who?" This time Jon did laugh, "Come on, this is me you're talking to. Faith, is she supposed to be working tonight?" Richie shook his head, "I don't know. She didn't tell me which nights she works here." "Well" Jon started, why don't we finish up and then you can stop and see her on the way home." Richie thought about that for a minute. "It may be too late. Let's just get this done." They worked for a while longer, finally deciding on the last two songs and running through them a few times.
They drove past Faith's house on the way back to Richie's. Jon looked over at Richie, "want to stop?" They slowed, but the house was dark. "She's probably asleep." They headed home.
Richie was too keyed to sleep. He picked up the phone to call her, but hung it up again. He didn't want to wake her, but he wanted to hear her voice. He picked up the phone again. This time he dialed. He heard a sleepy 'hello' on the other end. "Faith? It's Richie." Faith rolled over and sat up, "hi. Is everything all right?" She glanced at her clock and winced. "I'm sorry to have called so late. Things are fine. I just... hell Faith, I wanted to hear your voice." Faith smiled, "I miss you too." She read him so easily, even over the phone. "I'm not going to keep you. I just wanted to say goodnight." "Thanks for the call. See you soon." "Sweet dreams darlin'." He hung up the phone and tried to sleep.
Faith was a bundle of nerves when Saturday finally arrived. She had to work and was glad. It kept her hands busy and her mind off of the benefit that night. She knew she should just be herself, but she was still nervous. She got home with only two hours to spare before Richie would pick her up. Ms. Betty was coming to stay with Hannah and Faith holed up in her room to get ready. She had pulled one of her favorite dresses from the back of the closet and hoped it still fit.
The doorbell rang precisely at 7 and Ms. Betty opened the door to find Richie and Jon standing there. "Can I help you?" Ms. Betty had no idea who these two men were. Richie held out his hand, "I"m Richie and is my friend Jon. You must be Ms. Betty. Is Faith ready?" Ms. Betty took Richie's hand, "she didn't tell me she had two dates tonight." The men laughed and Jon spoke up, "I'm just the chaperone tonight ma'am. I'm very happily married." She let them in and Hannah poked her head around the corner at the sound of their voices. "Hi Richie!" He crouched down to her level, "hiya Hannah, how are you?" She started toward him but stopped when she saw Jon. "Oh you're... oh" she clamped a hand over her mouth and just stared.
Faith was slipping on her shoes when she heard the doorbell. She glanced at herself once more in mirror, spritzed on her perfume and headed down the hall. She got to the living room in time to hear her daughter's exclamation. "Hannah." Three heads looked up at the sound of her voice. "Mom, you didn't tell me you knew Jon Bon Jovi!" Faith smiled and walked over to her daughter. "Hannah, I know Jon Bon Jovi." They all laughed and she introduced Hannah. Jon crouched down once more and shook Hannah's hand. "It's very nice to meet you Hannah." She shook his hand and they chatted for a minute.
Richie took Faith's hand, "you look wonderful Faith." He kissed her hand. "Thank you." Her sleeveless dress was the color of a fine merlot with a v-neck and it fit like it had been made for her, hugging every curve. She had left her hair loose and it was like a fall of brown silk down her back. She had used some make-up trick to make her eyes even more sexy. He moved closer to her and her scent overtook him. Before he lost all control he cleared his throat, "Jon are you ready?"
They said their goodbyes, Faith hugged and kissed Hannah, admonishing her to be good for Ms. Betty. As she pulled the door shut behind her she could hear Hannah's excited voice talking about meeting Jon Bon Jovi. She shook her head as she walked over to where Richie was by the car. "Why didn't you tell me that Jon was going to be here? I could have warned Hannah." She turned to Jon, "I'm sorry about that." Jon shook it off, "actually, I don't mind when the little girls get like that, it's the older ones I worry about."
Monday, June 4, 2007
Chapter 19
Richie manuevered them, slid Faith's shirt and bra off, and eased her down onto the couch. His fingers skimmed over her lightly, as if he she might shatter if he wasn't careful. She reached for him and he came to her, his shirt cast aside and their mouths meeting in a hungry kiss. His mouth left hers and traveled down her neck, to the valley of her breasts. He suckled one and then the other before trailing lower. He reached for the button of her shorts and she stopped him. "Richie." He looked up at her, "what?" came the quiet question. "Hannah, what if she...". "She's sleeping, right?" Faith nodded. "Well, we'll just have to be quiet." He kissed her again as he slid her shorts down her legs and she kicked them off. His eyes feasted on her. She was a natural beauty, nothing fake or phony about her. He kissed his way down her body, seeking the sweetness he knew was waiting for him.
Faith was slowly losing her battle to keep quiet. Once Richie's tongue slipped into her all bets were off. "Richie!" He continued, slipping two fingers into her as he teased her clit with his tongue. Only when he felt her start to convulse around his fingers did he let up. He sat up, letting his thumb continue where his tongue left off. He managed to get his pants off and was in her as the orgasm overtook her. "Oh God Richie" she moaned just as his mouth clamped over hers. Faith ran her hands down his back and over his ass, urging him deeper. He slid her hip higher and she took him deeper still, triggering another wave to crash over her. Richie couldn't hold back any longer, he nuzzled into her neck and groaned in her ear as he came deep inside her.
Richie collapsed on top of Faith and she welcomed the weight of him. She stroked his back lightly and could feel his heart beating against her chest, almost in time with hers. Slowly the haze was clearing she could feel him pressing light kisses against her neck. "Faith?" he whispered in her ear. "Hmm." "Just checking." He moved and she gasped as he slipped from her. They lay on the couch, her half on top of him, Richie was stroking her arm and down to the curve of her butt. "I should go" he told her. She nodded, not wanting him to leave but she knew it wasn't the right time for Hannah to find that he had spent the night.
She pulled on her clothes, watched Richie dress and walked him to the door. "I'll call you" he told her before he kissed her goodbye. "I'll be working the next few days." "Where?" "Both places." He kissed her again. "I'll find you." With one last kiss she watched him get in his car and drive off.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Chapter 18
Her eyes never left his face. "So, what do you want to know?" Richie smiled at her, "everything." "That's a tall order" Faith answered with a smile. "Well," he hesitated for a minute, "maybe you should tell me what you know and we could go from there." "Okay" Faith agreed, just let me go in and check on Hannah. I don't like to leave her alone in the house for too long." Richie watched as she went into the house, thanking God for the warm weather and admiring Faith's fine backside and long bare legs in her shorts.
"Hannah!" Faith called out as she walked into the house. "Yeah mom?" Faith stopped in the laundry room and tossed her panties into the pile of dirty clothes. She proceeded into the kitchen to find Hannah at the table drawing and coloring. "You doing all right in her all by yourself?" Hannah looked up from her drawing, "I'm fine." "Okay. I am going to be out back talking with Richie." "Okay mom." Faith poured two glasses of lemonade and went back outside.
"I hope you like lemonade" Faith said as she set the glass down in front of Richie. He jumped when she said his name. He had been so lost in thought he hadn't heard her come back. Faith laughed, "sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." He looked at her, eyes smiling, "I wasn't sleeping and yes, I like lemonade. Thank you very much."
They sat and talked, and Richie learned a whole new respect for this amazing woman he had met just a few short days before. He learned that Faith's birthday was just a week after his and that she would be 40. He learned that her favorite flowers are lilacs, that her favorite color is red and that she cried at kleenex commercials and that she liked not only chick flicks, but action films as well. He also learned that like him, she had lost not just one parent, but both and at an early age. She had a sister that lived on the other side of the country and they saw each other once a year if they were lucky. He also learned that she had had trouble conceiving Hannah and that is why there weren't any others after her. Richie wanted to know more about that. "So are more children totally out of the question?" Faith hesitated before she answered, "it would take some doing I am sure, but the doctors never totally ruled it out. You want more kids don't you?" Faith watched him, she could read it in his eyes, "yeah, I would like at least one more. Not that Ava isn't enough, but, just between you and me, I kinda envy Jon the four he has. I always wanted a son." Faith saw a hint of sadness in his eyes. "It bothered you a lot that you and Heather never tried for more didn't it?" Richie looked at her, she was very perceptive. "It did and, truth be told, it is part of the reason we aren't together anymore." Faith nodded her head in understanding.
Richie studied his empty glass before asking his next question. "How much do you know about my divorce?" Faith finished her lemonade before answering. "Only what I read in the papers." "Don't believe everything you read" he told her. Faith looked at him, "I usually don't. Whatever happened between you and Heather, it is nobody's business but your own. I can't imagine going through something like that and having it smeared all over every rag and paper in town. Private matters should be kept private." He liked her attitude. "I agree, but being a celebrity means giving up your privacy, to a certain extent." Faith shook her head, "that must suck." Richie nodded and went on, "I was lucky for a long time. The paparazzi pretty much left us alone unless we were at some sort of event or other. Then when we split it just got out of control. It has quieted down some but I still try to be careful." Faith had a thought, "when they find out you are dating someone new, what will happen?"
Richie considered his words carefully, he didn't want to scare her away. "They will probably try to find out whatever dirt they can about you." Faith was afraid of that. She knew she could handle herself but she worried about Hannah. Richie was watching her, her expression grew serious. "What's going on in that pretty head of yours? "Nothing." "Don't tell me nothing, I can practically see the wheels turning." Faith shrugged her shoulders, "I just need to sort this out." She looked around her yard, the afternoon had waned and it was nearing dinnertime. "Can you stay for dinner?" Richie sighed, "we need to finish talking about this?" She nodded, I know. "Let's go inside." She got up, pushed the mower into the garage and shut the door. She turned to find Richie standing by the door talking to Hannah through the screen, holding their empty glasses.
After dinner of BLT's and macaroni salad and a few rounds of UNO, Faith hustled Hannah off to bed and she and Richie sat in the living room, him on the couch and her in the adjacent chair. "Richie" he looked over at Faith, "I want to be with you, but I am worried about what going to happen when the paparazzi finds out. I can handle myself but what do I have to do to protect Hannah? She doesn't even really know who you are." Richie raised an eyebrow, "what do you mean?" "I mean she knows you just as Richie, Ava's dad. Not as Richie Sambora, guitarist for Bon Jovi. She hasn't put the two together yet." "Well, let's just leave it as Ava's dad for now."
Richie reached over and took Faith' s hand, tugging her out of the chair and over onto his lap. She wrapped her arm around his shoulder and looked at him. "This is all new territory for me Richie and honestly, it scares me a little." He rubbed her arm and kissed her forehead. "You got nothing to be scared of. As a matter of fact, I have an idea." Faith looked up at him, "what's that?" "I have a charity dinner Saturday night, why don't you come with me and we can see how it goes?" Faith considered the invitation, "I guess we have to start somewhere, right? So, yes, I would love to go with you." "Good, now can we stop talking and neck a little on the couch before I leave?"