They pulled in the driveway at Faith's and Richie waited in the car while she walked Ms. Betty across the street. When she came back he followed her into the house, closing the door behind him with a soft click. Faith turned to him, "would you like coffee or anything?" He studied her for a minute, "just you darlin', come here." She went to him, wrapped her arms around him and held him close. She pressed a kiss to his neck and kissed up across his jaw before laying her lips on his. As she tilted her head to deepen the kiss, his stomach growled loudly. Faith laughed against his mouth. "Hungry?" Richie shook his head and laughed at himself, "I guess I am." She took his hand, "come on, I'll whip us up a little something" and led him into the kitchen.
Richie watched as she rummaged thru her refrigerator. Faith poked her head above the door and looked at him, "something to drink?" "Sure, whatchya got?" She looked down and then back at him, "iced tea, lemonade, oj, water, milk." "Iced tea would be fine." She handed him the pitcher, "glasses are up there" she pointed to a cupboard above the counter. He poured two glasses and watched her put together their snack. She heated up chicken and rice in the microwave and warmed up tortilla shells in the toaster oven. She filled the tortillas with the chicken and rice, added cheese and salsa and rolled them up burrito style. She made two for him and one for herself.
Faith handed him his plate and sat down next to him with hers. He took a bite, chewed, swallowed and then looked at her, "how do you do that?" "Do what?" she asked before taking a bite. "Throw stuff together so quickly and have it taste so good?" She finished her bite, "trial and error. It's my creative outlet. You have your music, I have food." He smiled, "I like that. It's a good thing there are people like you around. Otherwise, people like me would starve. My cooking skills are let's say limited." Faith grinned at him, "how limited? Can you boil water?" She tried not to laugh at the look he gave her. "Yes I can boil water. Smartass." He laughed before continuing, "I can grill just about anything, pasta is fairly easy, and I can scramble an egg." He looked over at Faith and she was trying her best to hold back the laughter, but when she caught his eye she lost it. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh. I just find it amusing that you can't manage anything other than eggs and pasta. How old are you again?" Her laughter was infectious and Richie couldn't help but laugh too.
Faith paused, her hand on the door knob, and took a deep breath. Richie noticed her hesitation "are you okay?" She felt tears stinging her eyes, she could only nod her head in answer. Before she could open the door Richie put his hand on hers and turned her to him. "Faith." She didn't raise her head. He tried again. "Faith, look at me." She raised her head then and he could see the emotion swirling in her eyes. "Talk to me." Faith opened her mouth to say something and then closed it again. She took a breath and tried again. "There hasn't been anyone in here since..." she trailed off but Richie knew what she meant and he cursed himself for not thinking of it before now. "Faith, you don't have to do this." Looking into his eyes she knew he meant it, he wouldn't push her, but she knew she needed to. "If not now, when? I need to take this next step. She held his gaze, I want to take it with you." He felt her hand move under his and the door opened.
Where Richie's room was like an island oasis, hers was a reflection of an island sunset, sand and the red and gold of it. "I think I like your room better than mine" he told her. Faith smiled tremulously, "Thanks. I redid it about six months ago." Richie crossed the room to her and took her in his arms. "It's okay Faith, it's okay." She nodded her head against his chest then eased back from him so she could look up into his face. "Will you do something for me?" "Anything you want darlin'." "Kiss me."
He lowered his head and laid his lips on hers, keeping the kiss light and easy. She parted her lips and he followed her lead, deepening the kiss and tasting her fully. Faith could feel the heat building in her and she let herself let go and leave the past in the past. They undressed each other in between heated kisses. Richie laid her on the bed, tasting every inch of her. She was breathless, writhing on the bed under him as he brought her ever closer to the edge without taking her over. He moved up over her, "Faith" she opened her eyes to look at him, at that moment he sank into her. "Oh God Richie" she cried as the orgasm flashed through her. He waited and as she settled down he moved in her, slowly at first but as he felt her starting to tighten around him he moved faster, taking her over a second time as he filled her with all he had.
Richie eased from Faith pulling her close as he laid down next to her. Faith pulled the covers up and let sleep overtake them.
Stephanie, very bittersweet. Nicely done, girl!
Lovely - just perfect!
This is a beautiful chapter. well done!!!
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