As much as Faith missed him, she didn't have time to dwell on it. During the day. She was busy with Hannah and work and she had two upcoming catering jobs to prepare for. But the nights were a different matter entirely.
Faith bought the new CD the day it came out and decided she loved it after the first listen. She taped the TV appearances Richie had told her about. After a particularly stressful day, Faith got Hannah off to bed and settled herself on the couch to fold laundry and watch. She pressed play on the remote and there he was. The man who had turned her world upside down in a matter of days was right there in front of her. She watched, never taking her eyes from the TV. She wasn't even sure she blinked. They were truly masters of their craft. Faith wished she could have been there to cheer him on. Maybe one day she could be.
Faith flicked off the TV when the tape stopped and rested her head against the back of the couch. With a sigh she got up, made sure everything was in order for the night, picked up the untouched basket of clothes and headed to her room. As she sat on the bed folding the clothes with the new CD playing, her phone rang.
"Hi darlin'." It was Richie.
"Richie! How are you?" God it's good to hear her voice he thought. "I'm fine darlin'," he could hear the music in the background. How are you doing? How do you like the new cd?" She sighed, "I love the new CD. I am better now. It was a bitch of a day." He could hear the fatigue in her voice. "Do you want to tell me about it?" Faith was surprised. "You don't really want to hear about my day do you?" He could have listened to her recite the phone book. As long as she was talking, he would listen to whatever she had to say. "Aboslutely babe, tell Richie what's got you so stressed." He listened as she talked. This was just one more thing he had been missing since his divorce; having someone to share the trials of the day with. Having someone to bounce ideas off of, a shoulder to lean on.
"Richie?" He hadn't realized she stopped talking. "Richie, are you still there?" Faith was afraid she had rambled on too long. "I'm here darlin'." She felt bad now. "I shouldn't have gone on like that. I'm sorry." He wished she was right there instead of on the other side of the country. "Don't be sorry darlin'. Turnabout is fair play though. Now you have to listen to me." Faith laughed, "like that is some kind of hardship. I like listening to you. You have a great voice." "Glad you think so." He went on to tell her about his day, where he was now and what he had been doing before he called her. It felt right to share this with her. "We are headed to Spain tomorrow and then we have the show in London at the O2 and then it is on to Japan." Faith swallowed hard before saying anything. She didn't want him to think she couldn't handle this. "How long will be you be here before you leave again." "Two days and then we have the show in Milwaukee, the show at Giants after that and then its on to Albert and Calgary on the 11th and 12th." He would be gone for his birthday she thought.
Faith was quiet and Richie was starting to get nervous. "Faith?" She spoke up, "that's a lot of traveling. Does the jet lag ever get to you?" That was it? That was the only question? Richie was impressed. He hadn't really known how she would handle this part of his life but so far, so good. "You suprise me Faith. Not many women would put up with my schedule." She smiled into the phone, "you forget, my husband was a cop, a detective to be exact and stake-outs were part of his job. I got used to him being gone for days at a time. This isn't so different." One more reason to love her he thought. She gets it. How did he get so lucky?
Richie glanced at the clock, it was late. "I should let you get your sleep darlin'." Faith looked at her clock, they had been on the phone for more than an hour. "I didn't realize it had gotten so late. I am glad you called." Richie smiled, "I'll call again when I can." She knew he would. "See you soon Richie." "Sleep well Faith."
Faith hung up first. She lay down to sleep looking at the empty pillow next to her. She thought back to their conversation, thinking about where he would be for his birthday. As she mulled that over an idea started to take root. She would need some help trying to make it work, but she was going to give it her best shot. She ran a hand over the empty spot in the bed, remembering. Faith pulled the pillow close, imagined she could still smell him there and drifted off thinking of him.
I saw that "One more reason to love her" slip in.
And, I can just about see the wheels a-turnin' in Faith's head -- can't wait to read about Richie's birthday!
Great chapter, as always! Keep up the good work.
I'm so glad you're keeping up with this story.
Loving the characters and I'm genuinely caring what happens to them.
Don't be too long with the next chapter!
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