Faith woke a bit later, having felt Richie moving to get out of bed. "Richie?" Shit. He hadn't wanted to wake her. "Shh, go back to sleep." She rolled over and watched as he searched for his pants. "Richie." He looked over at her, "what?" She reached out her hand toward him, "stay with me?" How could he say no, she looked so inviting, her hair sleep tousled, eyes heavy with sleep. He moved back to the bed, taking her in his arms. "Are you sure? What about Hannah?" He ran his hand down her side, wrapping it around her waist as he spooned up behind her. Faith turned her head, "I'll talk with her in the morning." Richie nuzzled against her neck, trailing kisses up and down. "As long as you're sure." Faith nodded her head and gave a slight moan as he continued to kiss across her shoulder. His hands busied themselves with her breasts, teasing the tips to their full hardness.
She moved restlessly against him, feeling his erection pressing against her back. Richie slid one hand down over the flat of her stomach, teasing her clit before sliding the hard length of him inside her. Their love making was slow and easy in the early morning hours. Faith turned her head and Richie captured her mouth, their cries of pleasure lost in each other. When they were finally sated, they slept, still as one.
When Faith woke again, the sun was streaming in the windows and she could hear Hannah moving around. She didn't want to move, but the call of nature was stronger than her will to stay wrapped up with Richie. She eased herself from him, pulled on a t-shirt and sleep shorts and left the room.
After using the bathroom and brushing her teeth, Faith found Hannah in the living room laying on the couch watching TV. "Morning baby." Hannah looked up at her mom, "morning mom." Faith walked over and sat down next to her. "Sleep good?" Hannah nodded her head. Faith could tell there was something on Hannah's mind. "What? I know you want to ask me something." Hannah looked at her mom again, "is Richie still here? His car is in the driveway" she explained. "Yes honey, he's still here." "Oh."
Faith studied Hannah again, "okay, I know there's more going on in that head of yours." Hannah felt like she might burst if she didn't say something. "Mom, meeting Jon Bon Jovi last night was awesome. Is Richie..." she trailed off, not sure how to continue. "Is Richie what?" Hannah's cheeks were pink, "well he was with Jon so he's not just 'Richie' is he, he's Richie Sambora, right?" Faith laughed, "yes Hannah he is. Is that a problem?" Hannah's eyes got as wide as saucers, "problem? No way. That is so cool." Faith pressed her forehead to Hannah's, "you know what, I think so too." Hannah pulled her head back and eyed her mother, "why is he still here? Something wrong with his car?" Faith had been hoping to avoid this particular question but no luck. "No honey, there is nothing wrong with his car. I asked him to stay." Hannah seemed okay with this answer for the time being.
Richie rolled over in the bed and woke when he found Faith gone. He could hear her and Hannah talking and he lay there and listened, smiling when he heard Hannah's question and Faith's answer.
Hannah looked at her mother, she looked happier than Hannah could remember. "You like him a lot don't you mom?" Faith was surprised by this question. "You can tell?" Hannah nodded her head, "you have been smiling a lot more lately and you are in a better mood." Faith hugged her close, "I do like him a lot Hannah. He is one of the nicest guys I have met honey and he makes me laugh." She looked at Hannah and smiled, "it also doesn't hurt that he is cute too." They collapsed back against the couch in a fit of giggles.
Richie stood just out of sight in the hallway and watched and listened to the interaction between mother and daughter. It warmed his heart to hear Faith talk about him like he was any other guy. He shifted in his spot then and the floor creaked. Faith looked up and saw him. "Good morning." She got off the couch as he came into the room. "Hannah and I were just talking about you." Richie's cheeks reddened, "I heard." He turned to Hannah, hoping she wouldn't look at him any different than she had when she met him. "Good morning Hannah." Hannah smiled at him, "hi Richie." She turned her attention to her mom, "what's for breakfast mom?"
I love Richie as the regular guy -- "it also doesn't hurt that he is cute too."
Awwwww so cute!!! Love it!!!
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