Once they were in the car and on their way Faith's nerves returned. She was unusually quiet and Richie took her hand, "are you okay?" She nodded, "I'm fine, just a little nervous." He gave her hand a squeeze, "you'll be fine." She smiled at him and listened as he and Jon talked, catching only bits and pieces of what they were saying. She heard them say something about playing and interrupted. "Are you guys playing tonight?" Jon looked at Richie, "you didn't tell her?" Richie looked at Faith, "we're playing three songs tonight." She grinned at him, "lucky me, I haven't heard or seen you guys sing live since before Hannah was born." Faith relaxed a little after that and before she knew it they had pulled up outside the Malibu Performing Arts Center.
As they got out of the car Faith was relieved to see only a few cameras. Richie kept his hand at the small of her back and led her inside. It hadn't been as bad as Faith had imagined.
When they got up inside Jon went off to mingle and Richie got them each a glass of wine. They sipped their wine and walked and talked with people. There were food stations set up with different types of appetizers. It was fabulous and Faith had never felt more out of place. Richie could sense her uneasiness and tried to reassure her. "Relax baby, no one here bites." She squeezed his hand, "I know, it is just a little overwhelming for me. I'll be fine." He kept her hand in his and kept her by his side, introducing her to everyone he talked to. They circled the room and ended up talking with Jon. Faith excused herself, she needed to use the bathroom. They watched her walk away and Jon turned to Richie, "you are a lucky man my friend." Richie grinned at him, "don't I know it."
Faith stepped back into the room and scanned it for Richie. When her eyes found him she watched him, the way he gestured when he talked, the smile on his face, the way he threw his head back when he laughed. He turned then and saw her watching him. He winked at her. She felt her heart flutter in her chest and she smiled at him. He excused himself and worked his way across the room to her. He leaned in and kissed her cheek "how are ya doin darlin'?" He was glad to see her smile. "I am doing just fine." He took her hand, "let's check out the food." They wandered and sampled the different types of appetizers and had another drink together
Richie and Jon were scheduled to go on soon. Faith went into the performance hall and found as close a spot as she could. She was excited, not only was she getting to see them perform, it was going to be totally acoustic. They walked out, guitars in hand and sat down on the stools that were waiting for them. Richie went into the opening of Wanted and Faith was mesmerized. She watched them play, having forgotten the magic that happened when they played together. She couldn't stop watching Richie. He played effortlessly and she had the fleeting wish that it was her body his fingers were moving over.
They went into the Simon and Garfunkel classic, "Bridge Over Troubled Water," for their second song, Jon taking the first verse and Richie the second. Faith found herself singing along. Richie caught her eye and winked at her.
Before starting their third and final song, Jon reminded everyone to keep bidding on the silent auction items. Richie started the intro for "I'll be There for You" and Jon let Richie take the lead. His voice was rich and full and, as he sang, his eyes locked on Faith's and it was as if he was singing to her
I guess this time you're really leaving
Richie and Jon were scheduled to go on soon. Faith went into the performance hall and found as close a spot as she could. She was excited, not only was she getting to see them perform, it was going to be totally acoustic. They walked out, guitars in hand and sat down on the stools that were waiting for them. Richie went into the opening of Wanted and Faith was mesmerized. She watched them play, having forgotten the magic that happened when they played together. She couldn't stop watching Richie. He played effortlessly and she had the fleeting wish that it was her body his fingers were moving over.
They went into the Simon and Garfunkel classic, "Bridge Over Troubled Water," for their second song, Jon taking the first verse and Richie the second. Faith found herself singing along. Richie caught her eye and winked at her.
Before starting their third and final song, Jon reminded everyone to keep bidding on the silent auction items. Richie started the intro for "I'll be There for You" and Jon let Richie take the lead. His voice was rich and full and, as he sang, his eyes locked on Faith's and it was as if he was singing to her
I guess this time you're really leaving
I heard your suitcase say goodbye
And as my broken heart lies bleeding
You say true love is suicide
You say you've cried a thousand rivers
And now you're swimming for the shore
You left me drowning in my tears
And you won't save me anymore
Now I'm praying to God you'll give me one more chance, girl
I'll be there for you
These five words I swear to you
When you breathe I want to be the air for you
I'll be there for you I'd live and I'd die for you
Steal the sun from the sky for you
Words can't say what a love can do I'll be there for you
Richie never took his eyes off of Faith as he continued
And baby you know my hands are dirty
Richie never took his eyes off of Faith as he continued
And baby you know my hands are dirty
But I wanted to be your valentine
I'll be the water when you get thirsty, baby
I'll be the water when you get thirsty, baby
When you get drunk, I'll be the wine
I'll be there for you
These five words I swear to you
When you breathe I want to be the air for you
I'll be there for you
I'd live and I'd die for you
Steal the sun from the sky for you
Steal the sun from the sky for you
Words can't say what a love can do
I'll be there for you
And I wasn't there when you were happy
I wasn't there when you were down
I didn't mean to miss your birthday, baby
I wish I'd seen you blow those candles out
I'll be there for you
These five words I swear to you
When you breathe I want to be the air for you
I'll be there for you
I'd live and I'd die for you
Steal the sun from the sky for you
Words can't say what a love can do
I'll be there for you
When the song ended Richie reluctantly dragged his eyes from Faith. He and Jon thanked everyone and left the stage. He came out and found Faith. He wanted to touch her, kiss her, but not here, not in front of all these people. He took her hand, "ready to get out of here?" Faith looked up at him, surprised, "already?" They had almost made it to the door when Faith stopped him, "Richie, where's Jon?" Shit. He had been so intent on getting to her and getting out of there he had forgotten that Jon had come with them. He turned and scanned the room, spotting Jon near the bar. He turned to Faith, "wait here." He moved through the room, not stopping to talk to but maybe one person. He cornered Jon, "Faith and I are leaving, are you coming with us?" Jon looked at Richie, recognizing the look on his face. "No man, go ahead I'll call a cab or something." Richie clapped a hand on Jon's shoulder, "thanks man."
When the song ended Richie reluctantly dragged his eyes from Faith. He and Jon thanked everyone and left the stage. He came out and found Faith. He wanted to touch her, kiss her, but not here, not in front of all these people. He took her hand, "ready to get out of here?" Faith looked up at him, surprised, "already?" They had almost made it to the door when Faith stopped him, "Richie, where's Jon?" Shit. He had been so intent on getting to her and getting out of there he had forgotten that Jon had come with them. He turned and scanned the room, spotting Jon near the bar. He turned to Faith, "wait here." He moved through the room, not stopping to talk to but maybe one person. He cornered Jon, "Faith and I are leaving, are you coming with us?" Jon looked at Richie, recognizing the look on his face. "No man, go ahead I'll call a cab or something." Richie clapped a hand on Jon's shoulder, "thanks man."
Ooooh! Nice chapter! I can't wait to read about the the "after pary after-glow"!!
Thanks for sharing!
Very nice - love the sheer desperation to leave that RS forgets JBJ!
Keep it coming :)
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