Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Hey There!
I hope you enjoy my story of Richie and Faith. It is finished now and was truly a labor of love for me. I enjoyed writing it and I hope those of you that have read it enjoyed it, and those who just stumbled upon it, enjoy it now.
Thanks to all that followed along and encouraged me with your comments and love.
I have a couple of ideas I am working on for new stories, one of these days I will set here and share them with you.
Now, here is the beginning of Faith and Richie's journey. Chapter 1
Feel free to visit me at my home page at Queenie's Corner
Friday, September 7, 2007

By the end of the summer Faith and Hannah had moved in with Richie and Hannah was enrolled in school with Ava. The girls couldn't have been happier.
Faith's pregnancy was progressing, the dizziness having waned by the end of her first trimester. Her doctor told her it was normal and not to worry about it. Her blood pressure, however, was another story. It was elevated and that was a concern. She was getting it checked every other week and trying to take it easy.
When the band played the new Prudential Center in New Jersey at the end of October and into November, Faith brought the girls out for the last show. Hannah was thrilled. They were staying for a few days beyond Saturday to meet Richie's mom and that meant a few days off from school.
Faith liked Joan immediately. She was a sweet lady and she could see the bond betewen mother and son was a strong one. When they told her that they were getting married and that Faith was expecting she was just overjoyed and smiled a real smile for the first time since Adam had passed.
When they returned to Los Angeles Faith had an appointment for an ultrasound. She and Richie had decided they were going to find out what the baby was. The baby, however, had its own ideas and they had to be satisfied with knowing that, boy or girl, it was healthy so far.
They got through the holidays, Joan had come for Thanksgiving and was staying through new years. Faith and Richie had decided to get married on New Year's Eve at Richie's house. It was as low key a wedding as was possible. Richie flew Faith's sister and brother-in-law out and the band came. His mom was there as was Ms. Betty.
The backyard had been lit with a thousand tiny red and white lights along with the soft solar lights that were scattered around the yard. There were clear panels over the pool, acting as a floor and there were flowers in pots and baskets set about here and there. There were tables set up on the patio for the food that Faith had prepared. It was all finger food and appetizers, but there was plenty of it. Richie had wanted to hire someone but Faith wouldn't have it. He tried to argue with her but she stood her ground and he finally relented, with one condition. She let Jenna help and do the serving. He had even brought someone in to set up and tend the bar.
Faith busied herself in the kitchen all afternoon and finally her sister, Grace, came and almost physically dragged her out and upstairs to get ready. She showered and smoothed on her vanilla spice scented lotion and was taken back to the first night she spent with Richie and how she took her time to dress for him. She ran a hand lovingly over the swell that was their child that she was convinced was conceived that night. "I'm marrying your daddy tonight" she whispered and she felt the first fluttering of movement. With a smile and a tear she slipped on the new silk and lace bikinis that were the same shade of cream as her dress. Her strapless bra pushed her breasts higher and she smiled, Richie would be pleased.
She stepped into her dress with a sigh. The silk felt heavenly against her skin. She had found the dress in the first shop she went into. It wasn't anything special, but it was just what Faith had wanted. The cream colored silk had straps slightly wider than spaghetti straps, the bodice draped and then floated away, concealing the belly she now had. The hemline was slightly higher in the front than the back. She felt hands at her back and she turned to find her sister there. "Grace what are you doing in here?" Grace smiled at her sister, "I just thought you might need some help." Faith laid her hand over her sister's, "thank you." She turned back around and Grace zipped her up. They had been close growing up, but living across the country from each other had put a strain on their relationship. They were no longer as close as they once were but the love was still there.
"Faith," Grace started, "I brought something for you to wear tonight, if you want to." Faith looked at her sister's outstretched hand. It was a hair clip, more specifically it was their mother's rhinestone hair clip. Faith's hair was down in the waves and curls Richie had found so sexy and she silently took the clip from her sister and pushed one side back behind her ear and held it with the clip. She turned back to Grace, "thank you, it's just perfect." Her eyes were wet and Grace crossed to her. They held each other, sharing a precious sisterly moment. They dabbed their eyes and Grace took Faith's hand, "Faith I am so happy for you. Richie is wonderful and you two seem so happy together." Faith squeezed her sister's hand, "we are happy Grace, thank you." Hannah came in then. She looked so pretty in her emerald green dress that was similar in style to Faith's. "Ready mom?" Grace left and Faith turned to check her reflection. She touched up her eyes, the smoky make-up making them appear that much greener. The rubies Richie had given her adorned her neck and ears. She stooped to put her shoes on, and grabbed her wrap. The red was quite a contrast to the cream and was exactly what Faith had envisioned.
Richie and Jon were down in the living room, waiting. Richie, in his dark suit and shirt was pacing, much like he had been that first night Faith had come to his house. Jon watched his friend pace, "nervous bro?" Richie looked over at him and smiled, "nope, anxious." Jon chuckled, he had watched Richie go from his lowest low to a higher high than he had ever anticipated. He was glad that Richie had found happiness and love in this woman. She was perfect for him. Ava poked her head in right then, "Dad, Uncle Jon, ready?" They looked over at Ava, she had on the same dress as Hannah. Richie walked over to her, "baby girl you are pretty as a picture." Ava beamed, "thanks dad." She held out her hand to him, "come on, it's time."
Faith didn't carry any flowers, instead she took Hannah's hand and they walked down the stairs together. Richie, Faith and Hannah had had a few discussions in the weeks leading up to the wedding and he was going to adopt Hannah. It seemed only fitting that Hannah be included in the ceremony tonight.
They stepped out onto the patio to the strains of the piano music that David had recorded for them. Richie looked up and struggled to breathe; he had never seen her look more beautiful. Jon clapped a hand on Richie's shoulder, letting him know just how lucky he was.
When Faith and Hannah were in front of Richie he took each of their hands in his, bringing Faith's to his lips for a kiss. He looked at her, "you look beautiful Faith." She whispered a thank you and they all turned to the minister. The ceremony was short, but meaningful to Richie and Faith and before the minister could pronounce them husband and wife, Faith motioned to Ava. She needed to be included too. Ava stepped between Hannah and her dad and took their hands. Richie looked surprised, he hadn't known Faith was going to do this. He couldn't have been happier. The minister looked at the foursome, "I now pronounce you the Sambora family."
There were hugs and kisses all around and finally Richie was able to take Faith into his arms. Her eyes were shining as she kissed him. As they were enjoying each other the music started for their dance. He led her to the floor over the pool and held her close, singing softly in her ear.
Life is a Road
Forever winding, where it leads us I don't know
In it together for better or worse
Searching for our pot of gold
Leaves a trail of broken hearts
So many arrows just keep missing their mark
Baby that ain't us
Nothing else matters when you're in it for love
Together we can only go higher
You can reach any rainbow you're dreaming of
Nothing else matters at all
When you're in it for love baby
We'll share in the laughter
Share in the tears
And the promises we keep
Life can be crazy
Love can be cruel
But it's always been a two way street
You try
And give it all you have to give
So many people don't know how to forgive
Baby that ain't us.
Nothing else matters
When you're in it for love
Together we can only go higher
You can reach any rainbow
You're dreaming of
Nothing else matters at all
When you're in it for love, baby
They moved around the makeshift dance floor, oblivious to everyone but each other. When the music stopped Richie kissed her lightly and they finally realized they weren't alone. They ate and Richie drank along with their guests and rang in the new year with those that they loved. It was exactly what Faith and Richie had wanted.
Richie and Faith enjoyed a short honeymoon in Carmel, the tour was starting soon and Richie could only be gone for so long.
While he was gone Faith ended up having to stop work. The stress was causing her blood pressure to rise even higher than it had been. When she told Richie what was going on he tried to comfort her and then planted an idea in her head. She had always wanted to start her own business, what better time to at least start researching it than now. She spent her days on the computer and making phone calls, putting some wheels in motion. She kept her pace slow, resting when she felt the need, not taking any unnecessary risks and, in a few short weeks, Food by Faith was born.
Richie came home at the end of January and left again a week and a half later. He doted on Faith when he was home, barely letting her lift a finger to do anything. She was lucky she got to pee by herself when he was around. But Faith found it to be quite sweet at times, especially when he rubbed her back and her feet.
She was lonely when he left again, but she did her best not to show it. Hannah helped by being her silly 10 year old self. Together they got the baby's room ready. Richie and Faith and picked out colors and such, but Hannah was there to help put it all together.
Richie called Faith a few days before he was due to come home again. He wanted her to know that the guys were coming and were going to stay for a few days, right around Jon's birthday. Faith decided that a homecoming dinner would be in order.
Richie and the guys trooped in a couple days later. "Faith" Richie called out, "where are ya darlin'?" She was in the living room struggling to get up off the couch. "In here, I could use a little help." She had gotten much bigger since the guys had seen her last and they stood in the doorway chuckling as she struggled to get up. She glared at them all, "the longer you all stand there and laugh, the less likely I am to feed you all dinner." They sobered at her statement and all at once they offered their assistance. Richie brushed his hand over her stomach as he helped her and felt a kick. "Feisty little one in there." He kissed Faith and took a closer look at her. Her face was flushed and her cheek felt overly warm when he kissed her. "Are you feeling okay?" She pressed a hand to her lower back as she stood, "I'm all right. It's just my blood pressure." She waved it off, "I'm fine. Let's go into the kitchen." They all followed their noses, something smelled wonderful.
The girls were spending the night at a friends house so it was just the adults for dinner. Richie helped Faith get the lasagna out of the oven and he poured wine for everyone except Faith. She got a glass of club soda. They enjoyed the dinner Faith had prepared, and as she got a pot of coffee going they all retreated to the rec room.Alone in the kitchen a searing pain ripped through Faith. She grasped the edge of the counter and rode out the pain. Something wasn't right. She had been through labor before and this didn't feel like any labor pain she had ever suffered. She caught her breath and, after getting the coffee cups out, intended to get into the other room and sit down. Another pain struck and this was how Jon found her. He had wandered back to see if the coffee was ready. "Faith, are you okay?" She looked up at him and her pain ravaged face and fear-filled eyes gave him his answer. "Jon," she panted "something's wrong, where's Richie?" Jon took Faith's hand and slid his arm around her and headed down the hall. "Rich!" he hollered as the got closer to the rec room.
Having heard his name, Richie poked his head out the door and found Faith and Jon coming towards him. "What's wrong?" Faith looked at him, tears in her eyes, "we need to go..." she trailed off as another pain ripped through and she leaned heavily on Jon. Richie took Faith from Jon and swung her up into his arms. He motioned to Jon, "get her bag by the door and let's go." With more calm than he felt he got Faith into the car and they headed to the hospital, the others following close behind.
Richie called the doctor, explained what was going on and she met them at the hospital. She had a pretty good idea, from the sounds of the pains, what was going on. With Faith's condition, preeclampsia, placental abruption was not uncommon. As they did an ultrasound, her suspicion was confirmed. She explained the situation to Richie and Faith and they scheduled Faith for a c-section.
Richie let the guys know what was going on. He was able to be with Faith and she was glad, it made her less nervous knowing he would be right there with her. They prepped Faith and once she was ready they let Richie into the room. She had to chuckle to see him in his scrubs, all green from head to foot. He sat next to her and held her hand, the whole time encouraging her and easing her nerves. He was worried for her but was trying his damnedest not to show it.
Faith looked up when she heard the doctor's voice, "you're going to feel some pressure and a tug." She gripped Richie's hand tighter as they watched their baby come into the world. "It's a boy!" They looked and there he was, all pink and pissed off. His cries were music to Faith's ears. She looked up at Richie, there were tears running down his cheeks, matching hers. He leaned down and kissed her, "thank you." They were marveling at the baby they had made when everything went wrong.
All the machines Faith was hooked up to started beeping uncontrollably. Richie looked at her, her eyes had rolled back and her head lolled off to one side. "Faith!" She didn't respond. The doctors and nurses were rushing around, Faith was hemorrhaging. Richie was hurried out of the room and told the doctor would come let him know what was going on. In a daze he found his way to the waiting room where the guys were and sank down into a chair, burying his face in his hands.
He sensed that his friends were waiting for him to tell them what was going on and when he looked up they were all standing around him. "It's a boy" he told them flatly. They knew their friend well enough to know something else was going on. "Faith?" Jon inquired. Richie shrugged his shoulders as he explained what had happened. "They made me leave. I have no idea what is going on."
The doctor came in a while later, "Mr. Sambora?" He stood and the doctor told him what had happened. "It was touch and go, she was bleeding badly but she's stable now, but not out of the woods yet." There was something else, Richie could tell. "What else?" The doctor laid her hand on his arm, "we had to do a partial hysterectomy, she won't be able to have any more children." He sighed, "does she know?" The doctor shook her head, "not yet. She is still out, the anesthesia hasn't worn off yet. Would you like to see her?" He nodded. As he followed the doctor out he glanced at his friends, they understood and waited.
Richie looked at Faith lying there in the bed, her dark hair in stark contrast to the paleness of her skin. He pulled up the chair next to the bed and sat down, taking her hand in his. He told her how much he loved her and how beautiful their baby boy was. The doctor came in and told Richie his friends were waiting and that he should go home and get some rest. "I'm not leaving." He was going to stay with Faith through the night. The doctor didn't feel it necessary but Richie was insistent. She relented.
He went and talked to Jon, Dave and Tico, telling them what had happened and then taking them to the nursery to see the baby. It was easy to pick him out, he was the only boy. Jon looked at Richie, "does he have a name yet?" Without taking his eyes off his son, he answered Jon. "We decided to name him after my dad and Faith's dad. His name is Eric Adam." He turned and gave Jon the keys to his house, "go on back and get some sleep. I'm staying here." David and Tico gave him a handshake/hug and started to walk off. Jon hung back, "are you all right man?" He gave a weary sigh and looked at Jon, "What if she doesn't come out of this? What if she doesn't make it. What am I going to do?" His emotions were at their limit and, for a man who hardly ever cried, was on the verge of it for the second time that night. Jon gripped his shoulder, "she's going to be fine Rich. You just need to stay strong and have a little faith that everything is going to be all right." Jon glanced down the hall, Dave and Tico were waiting for him. "I'm gonna go, you going to be all right?" Richie nodded, "yea man, thanks."
Richie went back into Faith's room and sat down next to the bed and took her hand again. He brought it to his lips, kissing it gently. He reclined the chair back, keeping her hand in his, laid his head back and closed his eyes.
Three months later Richie came home for a two week break. He found Faith in the rocker in the nursery, the baby nestled at her breast and she was singing softly to him. Richie could see that he had grown some since he was home last; his dark hair slightly thicker.
He glanced at Faith, in his eyes she was as beautiful as ever. She had regained most of her strength and energy by then and was doing more and more each day. It had been a long recovery for her both physically and emotionally. She had been depressed for a long while after they told her about the hysterectomy, but gradually with Richie's and a therapist's help she accepted her fate.
Richie crossed the room to her, "hi darlin', how's our little man doing?" She smiled as she shifted him off her breast and over her shoulder. "He's growing like a weed." Richie kissed the soft downy head and took him from Faith after she got a burp out of him. Faith righted her shirt and together they went downstairs. Hannah and Ava were watching a movie in the living room. Richie stood with Faith, holding their baby and looking at the girls. Jon had been right he thought, with a little faith, everything had turned out all right. He turned his gaze to Faith, she smiled at him, "I know Richie, I love you too."
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Chapter 45

She still hadn't said anything to him. "Faith, what's wrong, don't you like them?" She reached for his hand across the table. "They're beautiful Richie. I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed. The party yesterday, the spa, a new dress, new shoes - Manolos - I don't think all my shoes together are worth as much as these, dinner and now these gorgeous earrings. I feel like a broken record over here, but I don't know what else to say except thank you. Thank you for all of it." He squeezed her hand, "I am glad you like the earrings. As for the rest, I just wanted to make your birthday special for you. Is there anything wrong with that?"
Faith looked at him, his eyes intent on her, "no I guess not, but a girl could get used to being treated like this." He brought her hand to his lips, "I would treat you like this everyday if you would let me." Before they could continue their conversation their food arrived. They enjoyed their meal and shared a creme brulee for dessert.
When they got back to the car Richie turned to Faith, "feel like a walk?" She nodded her head, "sure." He drove for a bit and they ended up at the beach where they had first met and where they had walked after the charity benefit. Richie grabbed a blanket from the trunk and, after removing their shoes, strolled hand in hand down the sand. Richie stopped at a semi-secluded spot not too far from where they had left the car and spread the blanket out. "Have a seat" he told Faith as he settled himself on the blanket. She wondered what he was up to.
After a few quiet minutes Richie took her hand, "Faith" she turned and looked at him, in the moonlight she could see his brown eyes shining, "do you know how happy you have made me?" She reached out with her free hand and stroked his cheek, "probably not as happy as you have made me." He smiled and turned his head to kiss the palm of her hand before taking it in his. He opened his mouth to say something to her and then stopped. Usually so sure of himself, he was finding it difficult to come up with the right words to tell her how he felt.
Through her tears she could make out that it wasn't a diamond, but that didn't matter to her. The only thing that mattered was the man sitting with her, the man that had stolen her heart. She reached out and touched the ring, but didn't take it from him. "Richie, how did you know? He looked at her, confused, "how did I know what?" She sniffled before going on, "when I walked into the living room today and saw you and the girls I realized that I didn't want to wait either. You said I brought laughter and love back into your life, well you did the same for me and Hannah. You brought light into all the dark places in my life. She ran a hand over her stomach, "we made a life together." She paused to take a breath before continuing. "I love you and I want us to be a family Richie. Yes, I will marry you."
He took her left hand and slid the ring on. "I know it's not a diamond and if you want one we can get you one." Faith wiped her face with her hand and looked down at the ring. It was a pear-shaped ruby with channel set diamonds set in yellow gold. She looked up at him, "it's perfect. I love it." He gathered her in his arms then, his mouth seeking hers. His kisses stirred her and Faith's hands wandered up and down his back, slowly working their way around to his front and across his chest slipping inside his shirt to caress the smooth tanned skin.
She looked around and, realizing he was right, opened the buttons on his shirt and pressed opened mouth kisses to his chest. He groaned at the feel of her mouth on him. His hands made quick work of the zipper of her dress and he slid the straps off her arms, letting it fall to her waist. He pressed her back from him and gently laid her back on the blanket, sliding the dress from her. His gaze roamed over her, pausing at the scrap of lace she called underwear and down the length of her legs. Her skin shimmered in the moonlight and he could see her tremble under his gaze. "Are you cold?" he whispered as he let his fingers sweep lightly over her. She locked her gaze on his, "no, I'm not cold." He lowered his mouth, meeting hers in a fiery kiss.
He pulled his mouth from hers, she cried out at the loss. He trailed kisses down her neck, dipping his tongue into the hollow between her neck and shoulder, earning a sigh and a moan from her. Faith reached and struggled to get his shirt off him. Richie sat up and helped her slide it off his arms. Her hands traveled over him, roaming to his belt. She stroked him lightly as she released the belt and opened his pants. She slid them down his legs and off, kissing her way back up. She ran her tongue up and down the hard length of him. "Faith!" She stopped and looked up at him, he pulled her up and laid her back on the blanket.
Richie watched her as his hands roamed over her, teasing the hardened tips of her breasts, sliding his hand lower, finding her wet and ready for him. As he slid two fingers into her, her eyes drifted closed. "Faith, look at me." She forced herself to open her eyes as he continued to torment her with his fingers. "Richie" she was close, "I.. ahh..". His thumb found her clit and she was lost. "Richie!" She bucked against his hand as she came, her eyes never leaving his. As she started to come down he settled himself between her legs and slid into her slowly. She brought her legs up, tilting her hips so he slid in a bit deeper. "Oh God Richie." He started to move, keeping his pace slow, driving them both to the edge. He dipped his head and kissed her, "Faith?" "Now Richie, now!" He moved faster, harder, when he felt her come around him, he gave himself over, gave her everything.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Chapter 44

Pulling her thoughts back to the present, Faith moved into the room, "so, who's winning?" Three heads looked up at the sound of her voice. "Mom!" Hannah jumped up and hugged her mother. Faith laughed, "having fun baby?" Hannah pulled back, "yeah. You smell good." Faith laughed again, "thanks." Hannah sat back down. "Its my turn." Faith eyes moved to Ava. "Hi Ava, you're not letting your dad win are ya?" Ava smiled at her and then looked at Richie, "nope, we're kicking his butt." Faith had to laugh as she turned to Richie; he was doing his best to pout and not laugh. "They're cheating." She looked at the girls and then back at Richie and laughed, "yea, I don't think so. This is Hannah's favorite game. She hardly ever loses." Just as the words came out of Faith's mouth, Hannah voiced her guess, "Miss Scarlet in the Ballroom with the Revolver." She pulled the three cards out of the envelope and was right. "I win!" Faith nudged Richie, "told ya." Richie looked over at Hannah, feigning exasperation, "that's twice for you and Ava won once," he threw his hands up, "that's it, I'm done." They laughed as they picked up the game and the girls ran off to Ava's room.
Richie led Faith into the kitchen and she poured them each some iced tea. She turned from the refrigerator and found herself caught up in Richie's embrace. "Hi darlin' did you enjoy yourself today." This is how he had meant to greet her, not sitting on the floor with the girls. She hugged him and planted kisses up his neck and across his cheek. "It was fabulous. I felt like, I don't know, a princess or something. I haven't ever been treated like that before. Thank you." He pulled back slightly so he could look at her, "you're welcome darlin'. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. He studied her face, her skin looked dewey fresh and her hair was different. "Did they cut your hair?" She nodded her head, "yea, a little and they added some highlights." He took a step back and held her hands at arms length and looked at her. He let go of her hands and motioned for her to turn around. When she was facing him once again he took her hands again, "I like it. It's very sexy." She looked up at him, "well enjoy it now, tomorrow it will be up or back off my face for work." He stroked her hands with his thumbs, noting their softness. "Well, how about you let me take you out and show you off?"
Laying across the bed was a new dress and there was a shoe box next to it. Wordlessly Faith moved to the bed to take a closer look. The dress was pale peach in color and had skinny spaghetti straps. The bodice looked like it would fit close to the body and then the skirt floated away from the waist. She opened the shoe box and found a pair of metallic sandals that had a single strap across the top of the foot and one that came up around the back of the ankle. She hadn't even noticed, they were Manolos. She looked over at Richie, tears clouded her eyes, "its all beautiful Richie, you really didn't need to do this, but thank you."
Richie grabbed a tissue and wiped Faith's tears from her cheeks, "what do you say you put on the new dress and we go to dinner?" She stopped his hand and looked up at him, "you're spoiling me you know that right?" She leaned up and kissed him. He smiled at her, "I know. I told you I was going to. Didn't you believe me?" She shook her head, "I guess I should have." She took the tissue from him and wiped her nose. "Let's go to dinner."
While Richie was in the shower she got herself ready. She had just slipped on the dress when Richie came out of the bathroom. The dress that had looked just ordinary on the hanger, looked spectacular on Faith. The pale color against her tan and with her dark hair was amazing. Faith looked up and found him staring at her. "What?" He didn't say anything right away, he just looked at her. "Richie?" He brought his eyes up to hers, "you're stunning darlin'." She blushed as she smiled, "thank you." She sat and put on her shoes as Richie got dressed.
They said their goodnights to the girls and were on their way a short time later. They drove out the Pacific Coast Highway and again Faith asked were they were going. Richie took her hand "we're almost there, you'll see." When they pulled up to the valet at the BeauRivage Faith didn't know what to say. Richie got out of the car handed over his keys and went to help Faith out of the car. The expression on her face spoke volumes to him. "Surprise" he whispered to her as tucked her hand in his arm and they headed inside. Once inside they were led to a table on the Patio.
Richie ordered a glass of champagne for himself and poured just a splash into Faith's glass. She looked at him with a question, "champagne?" He picked up his glass, "we're celebrating, happy birthday darlin'." She clinked her glass with his, "thank you." She took a sip and then caught his gaze over the flickering candle light, "I love you Richie. Thank you for a birthday I won't soon forget." He reached across the table and took her hand. "I love you too darlin'." He watched as she looked around taking in the view of the ocean and all the plants and flowers on the Patio. While she was distracted he pulled a small box from his pocket and set it in front of her.
Faith turned her attention back to Richie, "it's so beautiful here. I always wanted to come here but never had the chance. Thank you so much." He squeezed her hand, "you're welcome darlin'." She reached for her water glass and noticed the box. Her eyes flew to Richie's "what's this?" He smiled at her, "open it." It was small enough to be a ring box but she didn't think it could be that. Could it? She didn't want to think about it. She swallowed and opened the box.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Chapter 43

Faith eased away from Richie and got off the couch. Picking up his shirt she slipped it on, looked over at him and smiled to herself. She covered him with the blanket from the back of the couch and went into the kitchen. After pouring herself a glass of iced tea she went outside and sat on one of the lounge chairs on the patio. She was gazing at the stars and had to chuckle. Thinking back to just an hour earlier, after getting the girls settled, when Richie figured out what she had meant by one of them being wet and it having nothing to do with swimming. When he had slid into her after driving her to near delirium, he almost laughed when he finally figured it out.
Later got there sooner than he expected. Just a short while later the girls were starting to fade and Ms. Betty was ready to go home. Richie had his driver take Ms. Betty and Susie home and then he helped Faith with the girls.
Every step she took toward him made him want her that much more. He had liked the look of the lingere on the hanger, but had no idea it would affect him like this when he saw it on her. She got right in front of him and pirouetted, "what do you think?" He swallowed hard, "I think I outdid myself. Come here." He dragged her against him, crushing his mouth to hers.
His mouth didn't leave hers as he backed up to the bed. He sat, taking her with him. She pushed him gently and as he lay back she straddled his thighs. She leaned down, her mouth a whisper from his, "it's my birthday and I get what I want, right?" He nodded his head. Her tongue snaked out and she ran the tip around his lips before taking his mouth with hers. His hands slid down her body and dragged the negligee up, letting it bunch at her waist has his hands roamed over her thighs and ass. God she has a great ass. She sat up and he brought his hands around to her front, trying to touch her and she stopped him. "Not yet." She brought his hands up and kissed each of his fingers before settling them on her breasts.
As he kneaded and teased the tips through the silk and lace she undulated against him, making him harder, his jeans more uncomfortable. "Faith" he groaned, "if you don't stop I'm gonna embarass myself." She moved off of him and he felt her hands at his waist. The button popped and she slid her hand down the length of him as she released the zipper. She slid the jeans from him and ran her hands up his legs. He moved restlessly on the bed, wanting her to touch him, "Faith, you're killing me here." She looked up at him and, keeping her eyes on his, lowered her head and took him, sliding her mouth down his smooth hard shaft, until her nose touched hair. "God... damn..." Richie's eyes slammed shut and as she moved her mouth on him he struggled to maintain his control. She kept one hand on his hip and the other followed the path her mouth took, up and down, killing him a little bit each time. "Faith!" She looked up at him, knew he was near the point of no return. With one last glide she took her mouth from him and stood, stripping off the negligee.
She climbed up on the bed and straddled him again, taking him in one long slow downward thrust. "Oh God Richie." She moved on him slowly, but he met her thrust for thrust and she needed more. His hands moved on her, plucking at the hardend nipples, roaming lower. When his fingers found her swollen clit, she started moving faster, he moved his hand away and gripped her hips, tilting them slightly, the friction causing her orgasm to rush through her. He rode through it with her and then rolled them so she was on the bottom. He thrust into her harder and faster, causing her to come again, causing himself to empty into her.
Richie shifted slightly so as not crush her and pulled her against him, their breathing heavy and hearts not quite steady. "Happy Birthday baby."
Monday, August 20, 2007
Chapter 42

Faith sounded hesitant when she answered, that was four days of her and Hannah imposing on him. "Are you sure you want us there for that long?" He smiled into the phone, "Absolutely." "Well," she hedged, "as long as you're sure. I guess we will see you in a little while." They said their goodbyes and Faith went to get ready.
When Richie closed his phone he sat and thought about the conversation. Maybe I should just ask her to move in here. True, they had only known each other for two months, but, just in the short time she had spent here prior to his birthday, he had gotten used to her being there. It was too quiet now. He liked having her in his bed, waking up with her, going to sleep with her, sharing the quiet moments together. He liked having time to himself, but he didn't like being alone. Sighing, he got up and went to find Ava and to give this idea a bit more thought.
As the afternoon waned Faith and Richie took a breather and stretched out in the lounge chairs while the girls splashed around in the pool. Faith was watching the girls and Richie was watching her. Her hair was wet and slicked back off her face. Drops of water clung to her tanned skin. She looked relaxed and happy. His hand snaked out and grasped hers, lacing their fingers together.
She looked over at him and smiled. Damn he looks good enough to eat. His broad chest was all tan and he had drops of water clinging to him. His hair was wet and messy and his eyes were aglow. She shook her head and willed herself to stay in her chair and not jump over onto his with him. He caught her eye, "what are you thinkin' about darlin'?" She smiled wickedly at him, "things that the girls aren't old enough to know about yet." His eyebrow winged up, "Really? We can have an adult only swim later and test them out." She lowered her voice, "what I have in mind does call for at least one of us being wet, but has nothing to do with swimming." He groaned, "you better just cool it right now missy." She looked him up and down, staring at his very obvious erection, "I think you are the one who needs to cool it." He looked down at himself and tried to rearrange but was having no luck. "See what you did, now what am I supposed to do?" She laughed at him, "go jump in the pool?" He shook his head at her and rolled his eyes before getting up and doing just that.
While they were all playing in the pool, Faith put her wrap on and went in the house to start dinner. Richie wandered in a short while later and she put him to work. She made him turn right around and go back out and start the grill. When he came back she sent him right back out again with the chicken. When he came back a third time she opened her mouth and he held up his hand and stopped her. "Faith, I just want something to drink." She laughed, "I was just going to ask you that." He grabbed a soda and headed back outside to get the girls.
Richie looked at the girls, "Faith is right, just because we are having a baby together doesn't mean we need to get married, right now." He glanced and Faith and saw her eyebrows raise at that last statement. They talked with the girls for a few minutes more and then, satisified with the answers to their questions, the girls went to watch a movie.
Faith was rinsing the dishes and putting them in the dishwasher when Richie came up to her, "what's wrong?" She had been quiet after they talked with the girls and he knew something was bothering her. She repeated his statement, "we don't have to get married right now. What was that supposed to mean?" He looked at her, "just what I said. We don't have to get married right now. Maybe one day down the line, but not now."
She turned from him and started wiping the counter. "Look Richie, I love you but I don't know that I am ready to even talk about getting married. Hell, we haven't known each other all that long." Richie took the sponge from her and turned her to face him. "Look Faith, I am not ready to talk marriage either, but I do know that one day I will be and hopefully, if I am really lucky, I will be talking about it with you. For now can we just leave it at that?" Looking into his eyes she could see that he meant what he said. "Okay." Richie smiled at her, "good, now while the girls are watching a movie, how about we go shower the chlorine off and you can tell me why one of us will be wet later and why it has nothing to do with swimming."
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Chapter 41

Faith felt Richie's hand move, his thumb making small circles on her stomach. "I really didn't think there would be any more kids" he said quietly. Faith looked up into his face and saw the softening around his eyes and the small smile that played on his lips. Her rough tough rock star was really a big softy. She leaned up and kissed his cheek, "yeah well, I never thought I would be 40 and pregnant." He looked at her, worried that she might be sorry about it. She could read the expression on his face and reassured him, "I'm not sorry though. I could never be sorry about this." He leaned down and lightly kissed her mouth. "I love you." "I love you too" she told him as she met his mouth with hers.
Richie's hand traveled up and down Faith's side lightly as they shared slow kisses. With every lingering kiss and each pass of his hand, Faith could feel the slow burn of desire rising in her. He brought it out so easily in her. He knew just where to touch her, how to touch her to make her ache for him. "Richie." His name was a whisper off her tongue. She felt his hands roam over her, and she let herself explore him. She caressed his chest, ran her nails lightly over the hardened nipples and let her hand follow the trail of hair down across his stomach and lower. She wrapped her hand around him and stroked him slowly, earning a groan of approval from him.
She wanted him inside her, wanted to feel him, all of him. She was growing restless under his capable hands. He moved over her, she was ready for him, moving slowly he gave her everything. They moved together, bringing each other closer to the edge. Richie found her hands and laced their fingers together before calling her name. She found his eyes with hers and held his gaze as he came and she followed only seconds later.
They lay curled together, wanting nothing more than to stay that way for the rest of the day. But Richie had a show and as he glanced at the clock he winced. "We have to get up baby. We have to meet the others in an hour." Faith sighed her okay and they got up and took a shower.
Rexall Place was packed that night, not an empty seat in the place. As Faith watched she could understand why they loved doing what they do. She had tears in her eyes during Hallelujah and you could almost reach out and touch the bond Richie and Jon shared during Wanted. It was a show she wouldn't soon forget.
After the guys showered they headed back to the hotel for the after party. The guys went into the bar ahead of Faith, she had needed to use the restroom. She walked into the bar and stopped and watched. They were signing autographs and talking with a few fans. They had smiles for each one and they signed anything they were handed. Richie caught her eye as she entered the bar and he winked at her. She went and got herself a club soda with lime and sat at the bar until they were through.
When the last fan had been talked to, when the last autograph had been signed Richie joined her at the bar along with the others. She looked at the five of them and had to ask the question. "How do you guys do it?" They all looked at her, "do what?" Richie asked. "How do you turn it on and off like that? I watched you signing autographs and having your picture taken and now you sit here like it was nothing. How do you do it?" They all shrugged their shoulders. They had been doing it for so long it was second nature to them and they didn't even really think about it anymore. They just did.
The hung out until the bar closed and then they all took the elevator together. Standing in the hall out side their rooms they said their goodbyes. Richie and Faith would be heading back to LA in the morning, Jon and David back to New Jersey and Tico to Florida. They would all, minus Faith, meet up again the following weekend for the shows in Wyoming and Wisconsin. David and Tico left Jon Richie and Faith talking in the hallway. Faith went to Jon, kissed his cheek and gave him a hug. She stepped back and took his hands, "thank you for everything Jon." Jon squeezed her hands, "it was my pleasure Faith. You are welcome with us anytime." He kissed her cheek and turned to Richie, "take care of her and have a safe flight tomorrow." Richie nodded and shook Jon's hand. "Thanks man, for everything." Jon gave him a brotherly hug "don't mention it man."
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Chapter 40

She loved him, she hadn't thought she would find love again after Billy. She had been so focused on Hannah she hadn't really been interested. It just snuck up on her when she wasn't looking, like Ms. Betty had told her it would. "When you least expect it, it will find you." Boy was she ever right.
Faith turned her head and looked at Richie. Even in slumber he was beautiful. For a man of 48, who lived his life like he had, he was simply amazing. Last night had proved that. She smiled at the memory. She ran her fingers lightly down his face and kissed his cheek. She moved to get up and he tightened his hold on her. "Where are you going?" he asked in a sleep gravelly voice. She kissed him again, "I just have to go to the bathroom. Go back to sleep." He nodded and let her go.
Faith grabbed her nightie off the floor and stepped into the bathroom, gasping when she caught her reflection in the mirror. Holy Hell. She had a hickey on her left breast and finger marks on both hips. She shook her head at herself. When she was finished she washed her hands, brushed her teeth and hair and, as she was about to slip her nightie back on there was pounding at their door. Faith pulled the nightie back on and slipped the matching robe over her shoulders as she went to the door.
"Hey birthday boy, wake up!" Faith opened the door as far as the chain would allow and found Jon, Dave and Tico standing there. "Morning Faith" Jon said with a smile, "is he awake?" Faith shook her head, "not yet." Dave laughed, "he will be once you let us in!" Faith closed the door, slid the chain off and let the guys in. Faith just stood back and watched the scene as it played out before her. Jon went and opened the curtains and let the sunlight stream in across Richie's face. Richie groaned his disgust and buried his head in the pillows. Dave called room service and ordered breakfast and the three of them sang the most horribly off key rendition of happy birthday Faith had ever heard. All she could do was laugh.
When they were finished Richie opened one eye and looked at all of them, "are you done?" They all nodded their heads "we're finished." "Good, now get out" he told them with a growl and a grin. Dave pouted, "aw come on man, get your ass outta bed. Breakfast is on the way." He rolled over and looked at his friends, "a guy can't get no sleep with the likes of you around." Jon looked over at Faith, perused her up and down, and then looked back at Richie, "yea, I don't think its our fault you didn't get enough sleep." Faith blushed and opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by a knock on the door. She looked at Jon, "you're lucky breakfast is here." He laughed as he went past her to let room service in.
After a hearty birthday breakfast the guys left and Richie and Faith were alone once again. They took their coffee and crawled back into bed. She laid her head on his shoulder, "so, how's your birthday so far?" Richie took their coffee cups and set them on the night table and gathered Faith in his arms, "on a scale of 1-10, I would have to give this one an 11." She kissed him on the cheek and looked into the warm brown of his eyes, "why's that?" He smiled at her, "that's easy, you're here." She smiled back at him, "well, I wouldn't have missed it. No one should be alone on their special day." Richie nodded his agreement, "I'm glad you feel that way. Your's is next week so don't expect to be alone." Faith hadn't given her birthday any thought. She had spent the last two with Hannah and Ms. Betty, so she wasn't alone, but it hadn't been the same as being with one that you loved. "Any hint as to what I might have to look forward to? A little something like last night maybe?"
Richie chuckled, "darlin' I don't know if I could survive a repeat performance of last night, but I am sure I can come up with something." He glanced at the clock, "but right now, if we don't get moving, we are going to be late." He gave her a kiss and dragged her toward the bathroom.
"Come on Faith, we are going to be late and Jon will never let me hear the end of it." Faith opened the bathroom door just as Richie was about to pound on it again. He stopped just short of hitting her. "I'm ready." He looked at her and his hand dropped to his side. She was wearing dark wash low rise jeans and a body hugging black tank top, but it was her hair that had him staring. Normally it fell straight down her back but today it was all waves and curls. Faith dropped her tote next to her suitcase, "what are you staring at?" Richie's hand reached out and his mouth opened at the same time, "your hair, what did you do to it?" His fingers touched the soft curls. "This is what happens when I don't blow it out. A little spray gel and a hit with the blow dryer and this what you get." He continued to touch it, "you should leave it like this all the time." She smiled at him, "I'll keep that in mind." She took his hand and, after stepping into her black ballet flats, led him to the door. "I believe it was you yelling at me that we had to go, so let's go." They met the others downstairs and headed to the Saddledome for sound check.
Faith sat back and just watched the guys. They were professional when they had to be, but for the most part they were just big kids playing at being grown up. When they were finished Richie brought her up on stage, "this is what I get to see when I play" he told her as they looked out at all the empty seats. She turned to him, a smile on her face, "you get to see all the empty seats?" He laughed, "hopefully they will all be filled by the time I get back up here." He took her hand and led her back to where they would change and get ready later. Jon looked up as they walked in the room, "we were just going to go get something to eat, any ideas?" They ended up at a nearby restaurant and enjoyed a light meal and some fun conversation.
The show was, for Faith, simply amazing. How could they still have the same energy they had when she last saw them live, 10 years ago? She watched Jon, it seemed as though he never stood still. He was constantly moving. It made her tired just watching.
At the end, before they took their bow, Jon addressed the audience "we have one last song and I will need your help with it. It seems we have a birthday to celebrate tonight." He looked over at Richie, "the old man over here is 48 today. What do you say, can you help me sing happy birthday?" The crowd roared and sang along with the band. Richie caught Faith's eye and she was singing right along with everyone else. Having that much loved showered on you made a person a bit misty. Richie thanked them and they took their final bow and left the stage.
The guys took long enough to shower and change before being hustled off to the waiting vans to be taken to the airport. They were headed to Alberta within the hour.
At the airport they were herded onto the private plane and Richie dragged Faith as far away from everyone as possible. Once they were in the air Faith grabbed her tote and tried to move past Richie to get to the bathroom. He pulled her down onto his lap "where do you think you're going?" He nuzzled her neck and wrapped his arms around her. She motioned behind him, "to the little girl's room." He waggled his eyebrows at her, "need any help?" She looked around the cabin, everyone was awake and moving about. She looked back at Richie, kissed him full on the mouth before sliding her mouth to his ear, "not with an audience, you will just have to wait." She got up and he called after her, "but its my birthday, don't I get what I want?" He sounded like a cranky whiny three year old. Everyone turned and looked at them, Faith's face flamed red but she turned back to him, "your birthday was over an hour ago and you got what you wanted last night." Before Richie could respond she walked to the bathroom and shut the door.
When Faith stepped back into the main cabin everyone had taken their seats and it was relatively quiet. She had changed into yoga pants and a t-shirt and had pulled her hair up into a ponytail. She stowed her bag and slid back into her seat next to Richie. He had his eyes closed and his head was resting against the back of the seat. She yawned, laid her head back and rested her hand on his. He looked over at her, "tired darlin'?" She nodded, "I am at that. It's been a long day." He tugged on her hand, "come on over here" he pulled her onto his lap. She rested her head on his shoulder and was soon sound asleep.
Richie woke her when she had to strap in for the landing and she managed to stay awake long enough to get into the car with him. At the hotel he carried her to their room, laid her on the bed, took her shoes and pants off before doing the same for himself and he curled up with her in the bed and drifted off with her.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Chapter 39

Richie moved her over by the bed. He ran his hands down to the bottom of her nightie, "as sexy as this is" he told her as he raised it up, "it's coming off now." He slid it up and off, dropping it on the floor. He stood back and looked at her, whistling low at the sight of the g-string panties she was wearing. "God Faith you are amazing." He pushed her back slightly and she lay back on the bed, propping herself up on her elbows. He bent down and lifted one leg, removing her shoe and kissing from her ankle to knee. He did the same with the other leg. He was slowing driving her insane. Faith watched as he stood and toed off his own shoes and moved over her on the bed.
Together they moved to the top of the bed. Faith reached for Richie's belt and he stopped her. He took her arms and put them at her sides, "don't move them." She nodded her assent and let him have his way with her. He started at her forehead, feather light kisses rained down her face, he captured her lips and their tongues met, stoking the fire that burned in both of them. He moved down to her neck, dipping his tongue in the hollow between neck and shoulder, causing her to shudder, it always did. His tongue slid up to her ear, teeth nibbled on her lobe before leaving a trail to her shoulder. He tasted her skin down to her elbow, licking lightly at the sensitive skin on the inside before continuing down to her wrist. He slid the tip of his tongue across her wrist and worked his way to her fingers, kissing each one. He smiled as he heard his name as she sighed with the pleasure he was giving her.
He gave the other arm the same treatment, working back up to her mouth. Their mouths were hot and their tongues danced over each other, hungry for more. Richie pulled his mouth from hers and she cried out at the loss. He moved down her neck and across her chest. He kneaded one breast with his hand and ran his tongue around the hardened tip. When he took the tip in his mouth Faith's back arched up off the bed "Richie!". He continued this sweet torture on her other breast. His name was an oath and prayer off her tongue as he pressed kisses over her stomach, dipped his tongue in her navel and whispered words of love to the child she carried.
He ran his tongue around the lacy string of a waistband of her panties. He hooked his fingers in the band and slid them down her legs and off. He looked up at Faith, the flush of arousal covered her, her eyes were closed and he could see that she was panting lightly. He smiled to himself "Faith, open your eyes baby." The sea green eyes he loved had gone dark with desire and were slightly glazed. He held her gaze as he lightly ran his fingers up and down the insides of her thighs. She kept her eyes on his as he ran his tongue along the same path his fingers had just traveled.
Faith thought she was going to fly apart if he didn't fuck her soon. She didn't think she could take much more of this. She was so ready for him. She could feel her own wetness on her thighs. "Richie please" she begged him, "I need you inside me now!" He shook his head, "I'm not done yet." When he finally ran his tongue up and down her slit and dipped inside of her he got the scream he had wanted to hear. He continued his assault, fucking her with his tongue and when he felt she was close, he backed off. He knelt up and watched her as he released the button and zipper on his jeans. Her chest was heaving and her arms, still at her sides, hands fisting and flexing. He removed his jeans, his cock achingly hard. He moved back between her legs and plunged into her. RICHIEEE!!! she screamed as she came. He rode through it with her, moving slowly at first. He pulled her thigh up higher on his and pulled her up to him. Their mouths fused as they moved together.
Laying her back down on the bed he pulled out and urged her to all fours. He thrust into her from behind, she cried out again and he gripped her hips as moved in and out. She looked over her shoulder at him, he leaned in and kissed her as his fingers found her clit. He was going to explode and he wanted her to come with him. "Faith, baby, come with me." She pushed back on him, meeting his thrusts. RIIICHIEEE she screamed one last time and his own shout mixed with hers as he emptied himself into her.
They collapsed on the bed together, a sheen of sweat covered their bodies, chests heaving, neither able to move to cover themselves. They fell into a sated exhausted sleep still tangled together.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Chapter 38

They managed to catch the last two minutes of the song and that was enough to have the table doubled over in laughter.
Dave and Faith returned to the table, he bowed and she curtsied and they joined in the laughter.
Dave looked over at Richie, "you got a good one there my friend" he said pointing at Faith, "I liker her." Richie put his arm around Faith, "thanks, but just remember, she's mine." Dave nodded his head, "I know, you have all the luck man." He turned his attention to Faith, "any chance you have a sister?" Faith smiled at him, "actually, I do." Dave perked up at that, "really?" The guys were all watching and trying not to laugh at him. Faith nodded her head, "really." Faith didn't elaborate and David continued questioning her. "What, does she live in LA too?" "Nope, she lives in New Jersey." Richie was trying to contain himself, he knew what was coming. David was really interested now, "if she's anything like you I gotta meet her. What's her name?" Faith shook her head, "her name is Grace. But Dave," she stopped and he looked at her, "what?" Faith grinned at him, "she's married and has two kids." Richie couldn't hold the laughter back any longer and once he started he had the whole table going.
"Man you should have seen yourself" Richie told David once he regained his composure. He turned to Faith, "that was good. Usually no one can get him going like that." Faith grinned at Richie and then turned to Dave, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that to you." He shook his head, "that's okay, no harm done. Just remember," he smiled "paybacks are a bitch." She shook her head and laughed, "what have I gotten myself into?"
They finally settled down and Dave went to get another round of drinks. Jon and Richie were talking and Tico finally had a chance to ask Faith a question. "So darlin' how did you and Rich meet?" Faith smiled at him, he was more soft spoken than she had thought he'd be. "Actually, our daughters met first. We were at the beach and the girls hit it off. The next thing I knew I was sharing a beach blanket with Richie." Richie heard his name and he turned and smiled at her. She leaned in close to Tico "it was one of the best days of my life." He rubbed her hand with his and then glanced at Richie, "you're good for him darlin'. We haven't seen him smile so much in too long." She looked over at Richie and then back at Tico, "I'm glad you think so. I love him and I just want him to be happy."
They sat and talked a while longer and when a slow song started Richie asked Faith to dance with him. She wrapped her left arm around his shoulders and ran her fingers into his hair while he took her right hand and held her close. He left hand roamed up and down her back before settling at the small of her back. "Are you having a good time darlin'?" His breath was warm at her ear and sent a shiver right through her. "I am." They continued to move almost as one to the music, losing themselves to Faith Hill,
In a way I know my heart is waking up
‘Cause I can feel you breathe
I can feel the magic floating in the air
Being with you gets me that way
They no sooner got in their room when Richie had Faith up against the door. Faith pushed at him, "Richie, wait" she panted. He pulled back and looked at her, "what?" She stepped around him and sucked in a breath. "I have something for you." She took his hand and led him to one of the chairs, "sit here, I'll be right back." He called after her, "can I have a hint?" She looked over her shoulder at him and gave him a sexy smile, "no, just be patient."
When Faith stepped back into the room Richie had his eyes closed and his head leaned back against the back of the chair. Faith walked over near him, "Richie?" He opened his eyes and took in the vision standing before him. He started at her feet, they were still clad in the sexy strappy sandals from earlier. His eyes traveled up the length of her legs, something purple, dark inky purple started at mid thigh. His eyes moved up further, the slip for lack of a better word, clung to every curve and the top was like a bra and it pushed her already fine breasts up just a bit higher. He got to her face and her eyes were lit with a fire from within. All for him. For the first time he could remember, he couldn't think of a damn thing to say.
She glanced at the clock and then back at him, "Happy Birthday Baby."
Friday, August 3, 2007
Chapter 37

Richie led her to the bed and they sat down together. "I remember you telling me that. Apparently there was some miscommunication there." She smiled at him for the first time in an hour, "yeah, I guess there was. My doctor said that the problem may have been my husband's and not mine though, so I am not really sure anymore." Still holding her hand he brought it to his lips and kissed it, "I think I would have to agree with the doctor. Now, when are you due?" "End of March, beginning of April, I'm not sure yet. I have to go back in two weeks and I will know better then." He nodded his head, "okay, just one more thing, you need to slow down some Faith. Three jobs is just way too much, especially now." She looked up at him, he was so concerned for her. "Well, it's only two jobs now. I cleaned the studio for the last time over the weekend." He let go of her and and pulled her close, kissing her head "that's a good start. You're going to let me help you, right?" Faith pulled back, eyeing him warily "help me do what?" "Help you with whatever you need. I want to be involved Faith." Faith stood up and faced him, "I'm quite capable of taking care of myself Richie. I have been doing it for a while now and I think I have been doing just fine."
Richie just looked at her. He knew she was independent, but now she was just being stubborn. "I know you can take care of yourself, but" he laid a hand over her stomach,"there is part of me in there and I want to make things easier for you if you'll let me." Faith laid her hand over his, "I don't need a hand out Richie, I can do this myself." He looked up and caught her eyes with his, "but you don't have to Faith. I love you and I want to help you." She softened at the look on his face, "you really want this, how can I argue with that?" He kissed her stomach, "you can't. You just have to deal with it." She smiled and pulled his head up, "is that so?" He winked at her, "yeah, get used to it. I am going to spoil you something terrible, starting now." He kissed her, teasing her lips open and slipping his tongue in and tasting her fully.
As his mouth explored hers, his hands went to the tie on her wrap. Loosening the knot it fell to the floor leaving Faith clad in only her bikini. Richie pulled back to look at her, "you are beautiful" he told her before dragging her closer. He nuzzled between her breasts, drawing a pleasured sigh from her. He lay back on the bed, pulling her with him. She straddled him and sat up, gazing down on him "I could get used to this kind of spoiling." He pulled her to him and kissed her hungrily. He untied her top and tossed it to the floorbefore rolling them so she was under him. He kissed down her neck to the valley between her breasts. He looked up at her, "I can't wait to see our baby suckle you here" he told her as he laved first one breast and then the other. "Oh God Richie" was all she could say.
He continued, kissing down across her stomach, "I can't wait to see you swollen with our child." He swirled his tongue in her navel, hooking his fingers into the bottom of her suit and sliding it down her legs.
He had brought every nerve ending in her body to life and Faith felt as though she were going to explode if he didn't touch her soon. He kissed his way back up her body, running his tongue over her, teasing her clit but not giving her the relief she craved. She reached for him, grabbing a handful of shirt as he moved over her. She pulled it up as best she could and he flipped it off as her mouth roamed over his chest. Her hands found the drawstring of his trunks and tugged. As he helped her slip them off she wrapped her hand around him and slowly slid her hand up and down his hard length. He closed his eyes, reveling in the feeling of her hands on him.
When he couldn't take it anymore he stopped her, pulling her hand from him, "Faith, I need you now" he told her as he moved over her. He slipped into her, filling her in one long slow thrust. "You feel so good darlin'." He started to move slowly at first, wanting to take his time. She wrapped herself around him and met each thrust, taking all he had to give her. "Richie, please" she pleaded for more. He moved faster, giving her the release she needed and as she shuddered around him, he let himself go, giving her everything.
They lay tangled together, slowly coming back to themselves. Faith decided she never wanted to move. She wanted to stay right where she was for the rest of her life. She had wrapped her arms around Richie and his weight on her was pure heaven. She felt his lips moving on her neck and against her hair. He shifted and tried to move from her, but she hugged him close, "not yet." He picked his head up and looked at her, she had tears in her eyes, "what's wrong." One fell down her cheek as she shook her head "nothing it's... she sighed, I love you." He kissed her, stroking her cheek with his fingers, "I love you too darlin'." He moved then and pulled the blankets down on the bed. They crawled under and he pulled her close.
Faith lay with her head on Richie's chest, listening to his steadying heartbeat. "Richie?" "Hmm, what?" She looked up at him, "I take it you were happy to see me today?" He laughed, "nah, not at all." She pouted playfully at him and made to move away from him, "maybe I should just go find a room of my own then." He pulled her back to him, "oh no, you get back over here, you're stuck with me now." She laughed and let herself be pulled back against him. "Well, if you insist." He nuzzled her neck, "I insist."
Richie's hand slid down and caressed her stomach. Faith watched his hand, "are you sure you're okay with this?" He brought his hand up to her face and lifted it, his eyes meeting hers. What she saw there was more than she had hoped for. "I love you Faith and I couldn't be happier." She smiled and wrapped her arms around him. "I love you too Richie." She relaxed into him and, as she listened to the steady beat of his heart she dozed.
When Richie felt her drop off into sleep he shifted her off of him and eased out of the bed. He couldn't sleep now. He was too full of excited energy to sleep. He pulled on his shorts and went and knocked on the door across the hall.
Jon had just stepped out of the shower when he heard the knock. He wrapped a towel around him and opened the door. "Hey man, what's up?" He let Richie in and went back to the bathroom and pulled his trunks back on. He walked back in the room to find Richie standing looking out the window. "What's going on?" Richie turned to Jon with a big smile on his face. "Did you have anything to do with her being here?" Jon couldn't lie to his best friend, "we, her and I, wanted to surprise you for your birthday." "Thanks. That was the best gift you could have given me." Jon looked around, "so, where is she?" Richie motioned toward the door, "she's sleeping." Jon studied his friend, "there's something else, what is it?" Richie's eyes widened, "really man, how the hell do you do that?" Jon laughed, "now if I told you that, I would have to kill ya. Just spill it." He hesitated and then decided to just put it out there, "Faith is pregnant. I am going to be a dad again."
Jon was surprised. He hadn't expected that, but looking at Richie he could tell that he was happy about it. "Congratulations. And you were all worried that there was something seriously wrong with her." Richie shook his head, "I know, but it never crossed my mind that she could be pregnant." He filled Jon in on the conversation he and Faith had had several weeks ago and what she had told him about her difficulty in that particular area. "We weren't being careful, but she didn't think it was possible. I'm not sorry though." Jon nodded, "well if you aren't careful you are going to end up with a litter like I got." Richie laughed, "a litter huh, don't let Dorothea hear you say that. She'll kick your ass." Jon laughed, "I know, but you know there's nothing wrong with a little spanking now and then." Richie grimaced, "that's a bit too much information for me my friend." He moved toward the door, "dinner at 8?" Jon nodded, "yeah we'll meet in the bar at 7:30."
Walking back into his room Richie heard the water running. He stripped off his trunks and joined Faith in the shower. "Hey, where did you disappear to?" He wrapped his arms around her, "I went to talk to Jon. He's happy for us." She looked up at him, "couldn't wait huh?" He let her go and stepped into the spray of water, "nope" he smiled, "was I supposed to?" Secretly she was glad he was so excited. "I guess not. I haven't told anyone yet, not even Hannah." He smiled at her, "why don't we tell the girls together when we get back?" Faith agreed.
Richie came up behind Faith at the mirror as she was finishing putting her lipstick on. "You are stunning." She looked up and caught his gaze in the mirror, "thank you, I think I am overdressed though." He had on dark jeans and a dark blue shirt with half the buttons left open. "Not at all, you look great. Isn't that the dress from our 'dinner'?" He ran his hands lightly over her bare shoulders, "you have a good memory." He kissed her shoulder, "I think it needs something though." She looked down at herself and then back up at him, "what could it possibly need?" "This."
She looked and dangling from his fingers in front of her was a delicate gold chain with a ruby heart hanging from it. He had picked it up when he was in New Jersey and was going to save it for her birthday but he decided not to wait. He clasped it around her neck and she looked at it in the mirror. "Richie, it's beautiful but you really shouldn't have." He turned her to face him, "I wanted to. It was supposed to be for your birthday but I decided I didn't want to wait." She kissed him, "thank you. It's perfect." She picked up her purse and took Richie's hand, "shall we?" He led her out and down the hall to meet the guys for dinner.