She loved him, she hadn't thought she would find love again after Billy. She had been so focused on Hannah she hadn't really been interested. It just snuck up on her when she wasn't looking, like Ms. Betty had told her it would. "When you least expect it, it will find you." Boy was she ever right.
Faith turned her head and looked at Richie. Even in slumber he was beautiful. For a man of 48, who lived his life like he had, he was simply amazing. Last night had proved that. She smiled at the memory. She ran her fingers lightly down his face and kissed his cheek. She moved to get up and he tightened his hold on her. "Where are you going?" he asked in a sleep gravelly voice. She kissed him again, "I just have to go to the bathroom. Go back to sleep." He nodded and let her go.
Faith grabbed her nightie off the floor and stepped into the bathroom, gasping when she caught her reflection in the mirror. Holy Hell. She had a hickey on her left breast and finger marks on both hips. She shook her head at herself. When she was finished she washed her hands, brushed her teeth and hair and, as she was about to slip her nightie back on there was pounding at their door. Faith pulled the nightie back on and slipped the matching robe over her shoulders as she went to the door.
"Hey birthday boy, wake up!" Faith opened the door as far as the chain would allow and found Jon, Dave and Tico standing there. "Morning Faith" Jon said with a smile, "is he awake?" Faith shook her head, "not yet." Dave laughed, "he will be once you let us in!" Faith closed the door, slid the chain off and let the guys in. Faith just stood back and watched the scene as it played out before her. Jon went and opened the curtains and let the sunlight stream in across Richie's face. Richie groaned his disgust and buried his head in the pillows. Dave called room service and ordered breakfast and the three of them sang the most horribly off key rendition of happy birthday Faith had ever heard. All she could do was laugh.
When they were finished Richie opened one eye and looked at all of them, "are you done?" They all nodded their heads "we're finished." "Good, now get out" he told them with a growl and a grin. Dave pouted, "aw come on man, get your ass outta bed. Breakfast is on the way." He rolled over and looked at his friends, "a guy can't get no sleep with the likes of you around." Jon looked over at Faith, perused her up and down, and then looked back at Richie, "yea, I don't think its our fault you didn't get enough sleep." Faith blushed and opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by a knock on the door. She looked at Jon, "you're lucky breakfast is here." He laughed as he went past her to let room service in.
After a hearty birthday breakfast the guys left and Richie and Faith were alone once again. They took their coffee and crawled back into bed. She laid her head on his shoulder, "so, how's your birthday so far?" Richie took their coffee cups and set them on the night table and gathered Faith in his arms, "on a scale of 1-10, I would have to give this one an 11." She kissed him on the cheek and looked into the warm brown of his eyes, "why's that?" He smiled at her, "that's easy, you're here." She smiled back at him, "well, I wouldn't have missed it. No one should be alone on their special day." Richie nodded his agreement, "I'm glad you feel that way. Your's is next week so don't expect to be alone." Faith hadn't given her birthday any thought. She had spent the last two with Hannah and Ms. Betty, so she wasn't alone, but it hadn't been the same as being with one that you loved. "Any hint as to what I might have to look forward to? A little something like last night maybe?"
Richie chuckled, "darlin' I don't know if I could survive a repeat performance of last night, but I am sure I can come up with something." He glanced at the clock, "but right now, if we don't get moving, we are going to be late." He gave her a kiss and dragged her toward the bathroom.
"Come on Faith, we are going to be late and Jon will never let me hear the end of it." Faith opened the bathroom door just as Richie was about to pound on it again. He stopped just short of hitting her. "I'm ready." He looked at her and his hand dropped to his side. She was wearing dark wash low rise jeans and a body hugging black tank top, but it was her hair that had him staring. Normally it fell straight down her back but today it was all waves and curls. Faith dropped her tote next to her suitcase, "what are you staring at?" Richie's hand reached out and his mouth opened at the same time, "your hair, what did you do to it?" His fingers touched the soft curls. "This is what happens when I don't blow it out. A little spray gel and a hit with the blow dryer and this what you get." He continued to touch it, "you should leave it like this all the time." She smiled at him, "I'll keep that in mind." She took his hand and, after stepping into her black ballet flats, led him to the door. "I believe it was you yelling at me that we had to go, so let's go." They met the others downstairs and headed to the Saddledome for sound check.
Faith sat back and just watched the guys. They were professional when they had to be, but for the most part they were just big kids playing at being grown up. When they were finished Richie brought her up on stage, "this is what I get to see when I play" he told her as they looked out at all the empty seats. She turned to him, a smile on her face, "you get to see all the empty seats?" He laughed, "hopefully they will all be filled by the time I get back up here." He took her hand and led her back to where they would change and get ready later. Jon looked up as they walked in the room, "we were just going to go get something to eat, any ideas?" They ended up at a nearby restaurant and enjoyed a light meal and some fun conversation.
The show was, for Faith, simply amazing. How could they still have the same energy they had when she last saw them live, 10 years ago? She watched Jon, it seemed as though he never stood still. He was constantly moving. It made her tired just watching.
At the end, before they took their bow, Jon addressed the audience "we have one last song and I will need your help with it. It seems we have a birthday to celebrate tonight." He looked over at Richie, "the old man over here is 48 today. What do you say, can you help me sing happy birthday?" The crowd roared and sang along with the band. Richie caught Faith's eye and she was singing right along with everyone else. Having that much loved showered on you made a person a bit misty. Richie thanked them and they took their final bow and left the stage.
The guys took long enough to shower and change before being hustled off to the waiting vans to be taken to the airport. They were headed to Alberta within the hour.
At the airport they were herded onto the private plane and Richie dragged Faith as far away from everyone as possible. Once they were in the air Faith grabbed her tote and tried to move past Richie to get to the bathroom. He pulled her down onto his lap "where do you think you're going?" He nuzzled her neck and wrapped his arms around her. She motioned behind him, "to the little girl's room." He waggled his eyebrows at her, "need any help?" She looked around the cabin, everyone was awake and moving about. She looked back at Richie, kissed him full on the mouth before sliding her mouth to his ear, "not with an audience, you will just have to wait." She got up and he called after her, "but its my birthday, don't I get what I want?" He sounded like a cranky whiny three year old. Everyone turned and looked at them, Faith's face flamed red but she turned back to him, "your birthday was over an hour ago and you got what you wanted last night." Before Richie could respond she walked to the bathroom and shut the door.
When Faith stepped back into the main cabin everyone had taken their seats and it was relatively quiet. She had changed into yoga pants and a t-shirt and had pulled her hair up into a ponytail. She stowed her bag and slid back into her seat next to Richie. He had his eyes closed and his head was resting against the back of the seat. She yawned, laid her head back and rested her hand on his. He looked over at her, "tired darlin'?" She nodded, "I am at that. It's been a long day." He tugged on her hand, "come on over here" he pulled her onto his lap. She rested her head on his shoulder and was soon sound asleep.
Richie woke her when she had to strap in for the landing and she managed to stay awake long enough to get into the car with him. At the hotel he carried her to their room, laid her on the bed, took her shoes and pants off before doing the same for himself and he curled up with her in the bed and drifted off with her.
Good job Stephanie. I liked the part about Jon, Tico and David singing Happy b'day to Richie and also when you wrote:
"your birthday was over an hour ago and you got what you wanted last night."
I guess she told him didn't she?? lol!
I enjoyed it and look forward to the next chapter!
Today must be the lucky day with all the new chapters being put up everywhere. This is a great story and I just love how you are able to include all the various elements of each different relationship into the storyline. Keep em coming.
Yeah...Richie is beautiful at ANY age!
Glad to see a new chapter up so soon...keep up the good work!
I´m with starr and jen. Yes Richie is beautiful at any age!
Great chapter again, Stephanie! Looking forward to read more.
I echo everyone else - Richie will be smokin' at 60. Also loved the guys' playfulness and the scene on the plane.
There's no way I'd pass up a chance at joining the mile-high club with him, though! LOL!
Can't wait to see what gets cooked up for Faith's birthday!!
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