By the time she was packing her suitcase Monday night, Faith had gotten over the shock of finding out and while not ecstatic about her situation, she wasn't filled with dread either. She was even feeling better about telling Richie. They had talked on the phone a couple of times, but she hadn't mentioned her 'condition'. She wanted to tell him in person, not over the phone.
Faith glanced down at what little she had put in the suitcase so far and frowned. She took everything out and started again. When she was done she set the suitcase by the door and went to look in on Hannah. She was supposed to be taking care of her own things for the days she would be spending with Ms. Betty. Peeking in Hannah's door she saw her daughter's suitcase near the dresser and Hannah was asleep across her bed. Faith glanced at the clock and winced, she hadn't realized it had gotten so late. She crossed the room to Hannah and pulled the quilt up from the end of the bed to cover her. She ran a hand over Hannah's hair and sighed. She was so grown up, but yet still such a little girl. Faith shut the light off and left the room, pausing at the door to look at her sleeping daughter again, "I love you baby" she whispered as she shut the door.
Faith went through her things one more time, just to make sure she had everything. Her passport, plane ticket and wallet were all in her purse which was in her carry-on. She was all set. As she was setting her alarm the phone rang. "Hello?" "Hi darlin'." It was Richie. "I just called to say goodnight." Faith smiled at the phone, "How did you know I would be in bed already?" "Just lucky I guess." He didn't sound right to her. "Are you all right?" Richie sighed, "are you sure you can't come see me?" He was missing her and with his birthday looming, it made it all that much worse. Faith kept her voice even, "I'm sorry I really can't. If I had had a little more notice I might have been able to." She heard him sigh again, "I know. Maybe next time. So, what are you wearing?" Faith laughed, "you really want to know?" "Tell me." He was longing for her and just the sound of her voice was making his jeans uncomfortable. She sobered at his tone. She had played this game before and got right into it. "A red tank top and matching panties" she told him. He groaned into the phone, "you are such a tease." She chuckled, "but you love it."
He didn't deny it. "You're killing me here." She gave a husky laugh, "well you started it." "I know darlin' I know. Look you get your sleep and I will call you again when I can." He needed to end the call now before he got carried away. "Okay Richie. I love you." "Love you too darlin'. Goodnight."
Richie closed the phone and got off the bed. He looked down at the distorted front of his jeans, "you are nothing but trouble." He stripped off his clothes and went to take a shower.
Faith was nervous the next morning as she got herself ready. She had never done anything like this before. She hustled Hannah along and they went across the street to Ms. Betty's. She was taking Faith to the airport and taking care of Hannah while she was away. When they pulled up to drop Faith off she turned to Ms. Betty and gave her a hug "thank you so much Ms. Betty, what would I do without you?" You just have a good time. You deserve a break." Faith peered over into the back seat. "You be good for Ms. Betty" she told Hannah. Hannah leaned forward and kissed Faith. "I will mom. Have fun, say hi to Richie and don't forget to call like you promised." "I will baby."
Faith got her bag checked and got through security without too much hassle. Once settled on the plane she closed her eyes and tried to imagine what Richie's reaction would be when he saw her. She smiled to herself, remembering the call from last night.
After take off Faith rummaged and found her Ipod. She slipped her headphones on and it seemed as if in no time the "fasten seatbelt" sign was on and they were ready to land. Once off the plane and suitcase in hand Faith looked around for the person that was supposed to meet her. There was a tall man with a sign with her name looking as lost as she felt. "I'm Faith" she told him as she approached. "Thank God. I'm Roger. Are you ready to go?" He noticed she had her suitcase and carry on already. "Yep, let's go." She followed him to a dark sedan and he ushered her into the backseat before putting her bags in the trunk.
At the hotel he parked in the underground garage and took her right up to Jon's room. This was a precaution, just in case Richie should return to his, he wouldn't see her. Roger waited outside while Faith freshened up. She paused long enough to look around, so this is what a rock star's hotel room looks like. It looked no different than any other hotel room she supposed. In the bathroom she slipped out of her travel clothes, gave herself the once over with a warm washcloth and put her bathing suit on. She tied her sarong low on her waist, fluffed her hair, grabbed her sunglasses and met Roger in the hallway before she could lose her nerve.
The guys were sitting at a table near the pool, having a drink and enjoying the sunshine. Jon had made sure that Richie had his back to the door and that there was an extra chair next to him. They were all talking and Richie went to move the chair out of the way but Jon stopped him. "Leave it. Someone is going to be joining us." Richie raised an eyebrow at him, "who?" "A friend." Richie shrugged and let it go.
Once they got to the patio area Roger stopped her, "just a sec" he looked around and spotted the guys. Richie was sitting with his back to them so he couldn't see her just yet. Roger caught Jon's eye, he nodded almost imperceptively and Roger led the way for Faith. Jon was struggling to keep a straight face the closer the pair got to the table. When they were almost behind Richie Roger stepped out of the way. Faith got right behind him and slid her hands over his shoulders, and leaned in by his ear "hey baby, did you save me the seat next to you?"
Richie knew it was her, could smell her when she stepped up behind him. He turned his head and kissed her cheek. "Faith." She smiled at him, "surprise." He grinned at her, "I thought you said you couldn't come out." She pulled her hands from his shoulders as he moved to stand. Shse shrugged her shoulders, "I lied." He laughed and pulled her into his arms, "I'm glad." His mouth found hers then and he kissed her hungrily. Jon cleared his throat, "guys!" They pulled apart, "sorry." Richie pulled out the chair next to his, "have a seat." She looked around the table first, "hi guys, it's nice to see you all again."
They sat and talked and laughed for a while, enjoying the sunshine. Richie noticed that Faith had grown quiet and looked over at her. She was smiling and listening to everyone, but something was amiss. He caught her eye and could see something going on there. He took her hand and stood, "I think I've had enough sun" he looked down at Faith, "what about you?" She nodded her head, "definitely." Together they walked hand in hand into the hotel. Once ensconced in the elevator Richie pulled Faith to him. "Are you all right?" She looked up at him, he could see something swirling in the green eyes he loved. "I'm fine." He didn't believe her, but he didn't press the matter either.
They got off on his floor and he led her down the hall to his room. Once inside she moved to the window and was staring out, not really seeing the city below. Richie came up behind her and put his arms around her. "I am glad you are here." He kissed her bare shoulder, "what's wrong Faith?" She had to tell him, but everything she had planned to say just didn't sound right to her now. She rested her hands on his, "do you remember, after our first night together, the conversation in my backyard the next day?" "I do." She swallowed, "did you mean what you said about having more children?" He wished she would just spit out whatever it was, this was killing him. "I did. What are you getting at?"
She took a deep breath, turned and looked at him, "when I went to the doctor I found out why I have been dizzy and why I fainted." "And?" She stepped away from him, "Richie, I'm pregnant."
What a great chapter! Thanks for not drawing it out. I love the way she surprised Richie, and I especially liked that she didn't beat around the bush with telling him about the baby.
* breathlessly awaiting his response *
OMG what a great chapter!!!
I love the way Faith's told him :)
ahhh that was awesome - I just know he will be thrilled with the baby news! Oh and I loved how he told his "Little Richie" that's he's nothing but trouble. LMAO!
You CANNOT stop here!!!
Please, please, please....XD!
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