Faith eased away from Richie and got off the couch. Picking up his shirt she slipped it on, looked over at him and smiled to herself. She covered him with the blanket from the back of the couch and went into the kitchen. After pouring herself a glass of iced tea she went outside and sat on one of the lounge chairs on the patio. She was gazing at the stars and had to chuckle. Thinking back to just an hour earlier, after getting the girls settled, when Richie figured out what she had meant by one of them being wet and it having nothing to do with swimming. When he had slid into her after driving her to near delirium, he almost laughed when he finally figured it out.
She was deep in thought and didn't hear Richie approach. "Hey." She jumped and turned to look at him. "Hey yourself. I thought you were sleeping." He shrugged his shoulders, "I woke up alone, what are you doing out here? She had looked to be about a million miles away when he stepped outside. She smiled softly at him, "just thinking." He crossed the patio to her. "Anything you care to share?" She patted the spot at the end of her chair. "Have a seat." He sat down and pulled her legs across his lap.
"I was thinking about everything that has gone on in my life lately. I'm going to be 40 next week and never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be widowed, dating a rock star and pregnant with his child. It's a lot to wrap my head around." Richie pulled her up onto his lap and she rested her head on his shoulder, "well, the changes haven't been all in your life. Mine hasn't exactly been smooth sailing either. Ava was the only constant for a while, then I met you." She looked at him, "I'm glad we found each other Richie." She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him close, "you're good for me." He hugged her back and looked down into her face, "you're good for me too." He kissed the end of her nose and then stood, taking her with him. "Its late, we should get some sleep. No telling what time the girls will be up."
The next few days passed with relative normalcy. Faith worked and Richie kept the girls entertained. He took them to the movies, shopping, the zoo. Wherever they wanted to go and whatever they wanted to do he was more than happy to oblige. He spoiled Hannah just as much as he spoiled his own daughter and was loving every minute of it. On one of their outings he reminded the girls of Faith's impending birthday. Hannah looked up at him, her little face so much like that of her mother's, "could we have a party for her?" Richie crouched down in front of her, "a party?" Hannah nodded her head, "she hasn't had a real birthday party since before..." she trailed off, not sure if she should have said anything. Richie, realizing what she meant took her little face in his hand, "well then let's have a party." Hannah's eyes grew wide, "really?!" He smiled at her, "really." He turned to Ava, "what do you think?" She hugged her dad "I think its a great idea. What kind of cake should we get?" He laughed at his daughter, "always thinking of food, wonder where you get that from?" Ava poked him in the stomach, "mom says I get it from you." He laughed, "does she always have to be right?" They laughed and headed for the bakery.
The night before her birthday Faith got to Richie's after work and headed straight for the shower. She had had a very busy day and all she wanted to was shower and collapse on the couch with a container of ice cream and a brainless movie. She hoped Richie and girls were up for it. She came back downstairs barefoot, dressed in yoga pants and a t-shirt and headed to the kitchen to see if she could find any signs of life. The house had been so quiet she just figured they were out by the pool. She stepped out onto the patio and stopped. There were streamers and balloons everywhere. "What the...?" "SURPRISE!!!" Faith jumped about a mile and turned around to find Richie, Ava, Hannah, Ms. Betty and her friend Susie from work were standing behind her with silly grins on their faces and pointy party hats on their heads.
Faith laughed and cried at the same time. "You guys are too much." As she hugged everyone she kept her eyes on Richie, "thank you" she mouthed to him over Hannah's shoulder. When she got to him, she could see his eyes dancing with delight at having pulled this off. "Happy Birthday darlin'." She hugged him tight, "thank you so much. You didn't have to do this you know." He pulled back a little and looked down into her face, "well it was your daughter's idea so I can't take all the credit." She smiled and turned to find Hannah, "this was all your idea?" Hannah nodded her head, "yup." Faith pulled her close "thank you sweetie. I love you." Hannah took her mom's hand and led her over to the table. "I love you too mom and this is for you." She held up the most garish looking hot pink plastic sparkly tiara Faith had ever seen. She looked at Hannah, "you expect me to wear that?" Hannah nodded her head, "you have to, it's the rule. Richie said everyone had to wear a hat." Faith looked over at Richie, he had on a bright pink party hat himself. She laughed and picked up the tiara and settled it on her head. "How do I look?" Hannah smiled up at her, "you look beautiful."
They ate pizza and drank soda until they thought their sides would split and then Richie had the nerve to bring out the birthday cake. After much consideration he and the girls had decided on a chocolate/vanilla layer cake with fluffy white icing and big pink roses. Richie had even remembered candles. He took pity though and only bought the 4 and 0 instead of 40 individual candles. They sang to her almost as badly as the guys had sung to Richie the week before. Faith couldn't remember having a better time. Just before she blew out the candles Richie called out to her, "don't forget to make a wish." She stopped and looked around at everyone. Her eyes settled on Richie and a warmth flooded her. She closed her eyes and blew out the candles. When she opened her eyes Richie was right next to her. He leaned down, his mouth at her ear, "what did you wish for darlin'?" She turned her head slightly "now if I tell you it won't come true" and she gave him a quick kiss.
Once everyone had cake Richie disappeared into the house and came back with with a small stack of gifts. The girls helped him clear off a spot at the table and set them down next to Faith. She looked up at him, "what's all this?" She looked around the table, "you guys really didn't have to do this. Just being here was enough." Ms. Betty spoke up, "it's your birthday just enjoy." From Ms. Betty she got a lovely sweater, from Susie a scarf and from Hannah and Ava, a bunch of t-shirts and a new pair of jeans. Richie handed her an envelope, "this is from me" he leaned down closer to whisper in her ear, "the rest of your gift is upstairs though." He stood and said a bit louder, "Happy birthday darlin'." She looked up at him, "but you already gave me this" she pointed to the ruby hanging from her neck. It had been there since he put it there the week before. He shrugged his shoulders, "so, I got you something else too."
Inside the envelope was a brochure for an upscale spa/salon in Richie's neighborhood and several of the treatments were marked. "A car will be here at 10 to pick you up tomorrow for a full day of pampering." She didn't know what to say. She had never spent an hour pampering herself let alone a whole day. She went around the table thanking everyone and giving everyone hugs. She hugged Richie and whispered in his ear, "I'll thank you properly later." He pulled her close and she could feel his excitement press against her, "later better get here soon" he growled in her ear.
Later got there sooner than he expected. Just a short while later the girls were starting to fade and Ms. Betty was ready to go home. Richie had his driver take Ms. Betty and Susie home and then he helped Faith with the girls.
Richie came into the kitchen after saying good night to Ava to find Faith cleaning up. Everything they had used had been paper or plastic so everything just went in the garbage, but the cake needed to be wrapped and put away as did the pizza. He came up behind her and stilled her hands. "What are you doing?" She turned her head slightly, "just cleaning up a bit." He let her put the cake and pizza in the refrigerator and then stopped her again. "That's it, no more. Just leave the rest." He took her hand and led her out of the kitchen. "Can I at least bring my gifts in from the patio?" He let go of her hand and went and got them himself. Taking her hand again he led her upstairs.
There was a small flat box with a bow in the center of his bed. She turned and looked at him, "is that for me or you?" He winked at her, "yes." "Okay, should I open it or should I just go in the bathroom and put it on?" He motioned toward the bathroom, "put it on for me." As she disappeared into the bathroom he pulled off his shirt and toed off his shoes. He was turning down the bed when he heard her open the door.
The black silk and lace negligee fit her like a dream. The spaghetti straps criss-crossed her back and rested low. The front was lace from the strap on her left shoulder diagonal across to her right hip, where the slit up the front stopped. She had fluffed her hair a bit and it had a bit of a disheveled messy look that just enhanced her sexiness.
Every step she took toward him made him want her that much more. He had liked the look of the lingere on the hanger, but had no idea it would affect him like this when he saw it on her. She got right in front of him and pirouetted, "what do you think?" He swallowed hard, "I think I outdid myself. Come here." He dragged her against him, crushing his mouth to hers.
His mouth didn't leave hers as he backed up to the bed. He sat, taking her with him. She pushed him gently and as he lay back she straddled his thighs. She leaned down, her mouth a whisper from his, "it's my birthday and I get what I want, right?" He nodded his head. Her tongue snaked out and she ran the tip around his lips before taking his mouth with hers. His hands slid down her body and dragged the negligee up, letting it bunch at her waist has his hands roamed over her thighs and ass. God she has a great ass. She sat up and he brought his hands around to her front, trying to touch her and she stopped him. "Not yet." She brought his hands up and kissed each of his fingers before settling them on her breasts.
As he kneaded and teased the tips through the silk and lace she undulated against him, making him harder, his jeans more uncomfortable. "Faith" he groaned, "if you don't stop I'm gonna embarass myself." She moved off of him and he felt her hands at his waist. The button popped and she slid her hand down the length of him as she released the zipper. She slid the jeans from him and ran her hands up his legs. He moved restlessly on the bed, wanting her to touch him, "Faith, you're killing me here." She looked up at him and, keeping her eyes on his, lowered her head and took him, sliding her mouth down his smooth hard shaft, until her nose touched hair. "God... damn..." Richie's eyes slammed shut and as she moved her mouth on him he struggled to maintain his control. She kept one hand on his hip and the other followed the path her mouth took, up and down, killing him a little bit each time. "Faith!" She looked up at him, knew he was near the point of no return. With one last glide she took her mouth from him and stood, stripping off the negligee.
She climbed up on the bed and straddled him again, taking him in one long slow downward thrust. "Oh God Richie." She moved on him slowly, but he met her thrust for thrust and she needed more. His hands moved on her, plucking at the hardend nipples, roaming lower. When his fingers found her swollen clit, she started moving faster, he moved his hand away and gripped her hips, tilting them slightly, the friction causing her orgasm to rush through her. He rode through it with her and then rolled them so she was on the bottom. He thrust into her harder and faster, causing her to come again, causing himself to empty into her.
Richie shifted slightly so as not crush her and pulled her against him, their breathing heavy and hearts not quite steady. "Happy Birthday baby."
Yeah...I'd like a birthday present like that from Richie! LOL!
I love how he is with Hannah.
They would make a great family!
My birthday is in September. I'd like this kind of present, too!
Stephanie, this was wonderful. looking forward to more!
September when Jen, I'll send Richie right over to ya!
Glad you are still liking the story girls. Thanks for continuing to read.
Liking the story? Yeah no I'm lovin the story -great job. And that's what I want for my bday too - I don't think that's too much to ask! :)
My birthday is July 22nd, but I never got a present like this.... ;-(
I love the story too, can´t wait for the next chapter, great job Stephanie!
OMG! That was fantastic Steph! Great sex scene! Yeah I agree with the others I'd like a birthday present like that too lol!
Nice work sweetie!
Looking forward to the next one!
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