Reaching for Faith as he woke, Richie found her side of the bed empty. He opened his eyes and stretched, hearing the water running. With a smile he padded to the bathroom to join her in the shower. When he pulled back the curtain to step in, he found Faith lying on the floor of the tub. He didn't know if she had slipped and hurt herself or what. "Faith!" He called out to her, trying to get her to come back to him. Trying not to panic he scooped her up, grabbed a towel and took her back to the bed. He tapped her cheeks and kept calling her name, trying to get her to wake up.
Faith had woken before Richie and, not knowing what time they had to be ready, decided to at least be showered when Richie woke. She had been thinking about how she had been feeling the last couple of days and was pleased to realize that she hadn't had any dizzy spells. As she was getting ready to shut the water off her vision narrowed and everything went black.
As she started to stir, she could feel Richie's hands on her, rubbing her arms, stroking her cheeks. She opened her eyes and found that she was on the bed. "Richie?" He looked up at her, "Faith, are you all right?" She closed her eyes and took stock of herself, "I think so." She opened her eyes and looked at him, "what am I doing on the bed all wet?" He raised and eyebrow as he looked at her, "you don't remember what happened?" She shook her head, "the last thing I remember..." she trailed off. Richie looked at her expectantly, "what's the last thing you remember?" She brought her hands up and rubbed her temples, "I remember thinking I was going to shut the water off because I was finished, and then everything gets fuzzy."
Richie crawled up on the bed and lay down next to her, curling her into him. "You were laying on the floor of the tub when I came in." She looked up into is face, she could see the worry in his eyes. "I must have fainted. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you." He tightened his hold on her, "it's all right. Who's gonna worry about you if I don't?" She smiled and ran hand over her stomach, "I think this little one is gonna be a handful. I never fainted when I was pregnant with Hannah. It was all smooth sailing with her." Richie put his hand over hers, "well he or she better settle down in there and give mom a break." They lay together, their hands on Faith's stomach, neither talking, just enjoying the moment.
Faith felt Richie's hand move, his thumb making small circles on her stomach. "I really didn't think there would be any more kids" he said quietly. Faith looked up into his face and saw the softening around his eyes and the small smile that played on his lips. Her rough tough rock star was really a big softy. She leaned up and kissed his cheek, "yeah well, I never thought I would be 40 and pregnant." He looked at her, worried that she might be sorry about it. She could read the expression on his face and reassured him, "I'm not sorry though. I could never be sorry about this." He leaned down and lightly kissed her mouth. "I love you." "I love you too" she told him as she met his mouth with hers.
Faith felt Richie's hand move, his thumb making small circles on her stomach. "I really didn't think there would be any more kids" he said quietly. Faith looked up into his face and saw the softening around his eyes and the small smile that played on his lips. Her rough tough rock star was really a big softy. She leaned up and kissed his cheek, "yeah well, I never thought I would be 40 and pregnant." He looked at her, worried that she might be sorry about it. She could read the expression on his face and reassured him, "I'm not sorry though. I could never be sorry about this." He leaned down and lightly kissed her mouth. "I love you." "I love you too" she told him as she met his mouth with hers.
Richie's hand traveled up and down Faith's side lightly as they shared slow kisses. With every lingering kiss and each pass of his hand, Faith could feel the slow burn of desire rising in her. He brought it out so easily in her. He knew just where to touch her, how to touch her to make her ache for him. "Richie." His name was a whisper off her tongue. She felt his hands roam over her, and she let herself explore him. She caressed his chest, ran her nails lightly over the hardened nipples and let her hand follow the trail of hair down across his stomach and lower. She wrapped her hand around him and stroked him slowly, earning a groan of approval from him.
She wanted him inside her, wanted to feel him, all of him. She was growing restless under his capable hands. He moved over her, she was ready for him, moving slowly he gave her everything. They moved together, bringing each other closer to the edge. Richie found her hands and laced their fingers together before calling her name. She found his eyes with hers and held his gaze as he came and she followed only seconds later.
They lay curled together, wanting nothing more than to stay that way for the rest of the day. But Richie had a show and as he glanced at the clock he winced. "We have to get up baby. We have to meet the others in an hour." Faith sighed her okay and they got up and took a shower.
Rexall Place was packed that night, not an empty seat in the place. As Faith watched she could understand why they loved doing what they do. She had tears in her eyes during Hallelujah and you could almost reach out and touch the bond Richie and Jon shared during Wanted. It was a show she wouldn't soon forget.
After the guys showered they headed back to the hotel for the after party. The guys went into the bar ahead of Faith, she had needed to use the restroom. She walked into the bar and stopped and watched. They were signing autographs and talking with a few fans. They had smiles for each one and they signed anything they were handed. Richie caught her eye as she entered the bar and he winked at her. She went and got herself a club soda with lime and sat at the bar until they were through.
When the last fan had been talked to, when the last autograph had been signed Richie joined her at the bar along with the others. She looked at the five of them and had to ask the question. "How do you guys do it?" They all looked at her, "do what?" Richie asked. "How do you turn it on and off like that? I watched you signing autographs and having your picture taken and now you sit here like it was nothing. How do you do it?" They all shrugged their shoulders. They had been doing it for so long it was second nature to them and they didn't even really think about it anymore. They just did.
The hung out until the bar closed and then they all took the elevator together. Standing in the hall out side their rooms they said their goodbyes. Richie and Faith would be heading back to LA in the morning, Jon and David back to New Jersey and Tico to Florida. They would all, minus Faith, meet up again the following weekend for the shows in Wyoming and Wisconsin. David and Tico left Jon Richie and Faith talking in the hallway. Faith went to Jon, kissed his cheek and gave him a hug. She stepped back and took his hands, "thank you for everything Jon." Jon squeezed her hands, "it was my pleasure Faith. You are welcome with us anytime." He kissed her cheek and turned to Richie, "take care of her and have a safe flight tomorrow." Richie nodded and shook Jon's hand. "Thanks man, for everything." Jon gave him a brotherly hug "don't mention it man."
I hope Faith will have a safe pregnancy and delivery.
It's heartwarming to see Richie caring so deeply.
Seems I've waited for eons for this new chapter. LOL! Boy, am I getting greedy!
I love your writing style!
Her fainting like that is worrisome. I hope she sees her doctor soon. She needs to tell him that.
Yes Richie was all anyone could ask for in the way of caring and loving beau's.
I enjoyed it Steph! Nice work!
Hi Stephanie! Great chapter; love what you said about the bond between Jon and Richie on stage -- it's so true!
Hope all is OK with Faith's pregnancy. Fainting is never a good sign.
Looking forward to the next chapter!
WOW what a wonderful story. Started it 2 hours ago and now just finished lol.
Her fainting IS cause for concern. Unless she's giving Richie the son he's always wanted! No two pregnancys are the same.
Bless our Richie.
Gail x
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